Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Mericiane tries to connivence Nicole to join The Kindred

[19:33]  Merician Lacava curls a quiet smile at Nicole.

[19:33]  NicoleA Stine walks up to Meri "Hello Sister"

[19:34]  NicoleA Stine looks to the sky "So what bring you out on a night like tonight .... out for a stoll?"

[19:35]  Merician Lacava reaches long digits toward Nicole, a light gesture of familiarity to draw the blck nails along flesh if so allowed, "Yes, a stroll, a snack, a thought to clarify.....thoughts." Her carmine lips curl into a falsely bright smile.

[19:36]  NicoleA Stine crosses her arms over her chest "Are your intentions the same towards the library?"

[19:38]  Merician Lacava cants her chin, the angle of long neck canted into a bird like severity, "Never. The library is off limits. Self imposed." Then the soft nod as if confirming the affirmation.

[19:39]  NicoleA Stine maintians her current stance "Good..." she pauses "So how are things..... at the warehouse"

[19:41]  Merician Lacava shifts the silver of her eyes taward that mentioned building and what it held, "More than what one would expect. Greater power than...." Silver color begins to recede in her gaze, taken by the widening black pupils, "Your sort, your lust of blood, your well needed."

[19:45]  NicoleA Stine flicks her hand in the air "you forget sister. I was exiled from the warehouse after the death of my mentor. I have vowed never to return"

[19:47]  Merician Lacava takes step closer her voice playing over the siren sweetness. The notes attempted to call to the ancient soul that inhabited the youthful form of Nicole, "I respect your words and sentiments, Sister. But we are...what we are...we know loss as no other race, carried within us across the ages. There is nothing that cannot be mended with just a touch of softening on your part, Sister. I would not speak if I did not think it a place suited for you."

[19:52]  NicoleA Stine shakes her head "no" she says in a low calm voice "I know what goes on... I know who shares in the politics of the warehouse and who influences the leadership there. It is not a place me"

[19:54]  Merician Lacava frowns slightly as the tee-shirt moves. Her thought slides over Nicole, "You no longer know, Sister. The female triumvirate rules." She closes her carmine lips, remembering full well Nicole's position within the library. Her purpose.

[19:58]  NicoleA Stine looks down at the ground "I'm sorry sister I will not change my mind" then looks into Meri eye

[20:01]  Merician Lacava flicks her gaze to te running Bikes before looking back to Nicole. She nods slightly, "As you say, but as long as I am there, my hand is open to you. Do not be afraid to use it when you need."

[20:02]  NicoleA Stine she nods "As I am here for you...."

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