In Character Name: NicoleA Stine
Date of the Incident:
In front of the Library
People involved and affiliations
The Shadows: Silverfall
[18:34] NicoleA Stine walks into the library and notices Felice "Good evening Felice." she stands at the table and notices an envelope with her name on it. She raises a brow and grabs the file and slides it in her jacket.
[18:36] Felice Nightfire riffling through a fairly large stack of papers, flipping them back and forth as she looks up hearing Nicole. "Beautiful evening Nicole." she nods gently to her as she sees her accept the envelope.
[18:36] NicoleA Stine slowly steps towards the door "You seem busy, I'll catch up with you later." and disappears into the shadows
[18:48] NicoleA Stine opens the envelope and reads the contents. "Hmmm." she returns the contents to the envelope and hides it in her jacket.
***March 7th In the Pit
[2017/03/07 17:05] NicoleA Stine hears someone walk in, she turns around "Oh hello, I wonder if you could help me?"
[2017/03/07 17:06] Karanna (karanna.lisa) enters, seeing the stranger inside the main chamber.. and takes up position between her and the exit behind her.. "help? from shadows?" she says.. crossing her arms under her chest.. "speak.. whether or not you leave here depends on your answer.."
[2017/03/07 17:08] NicoleA Stine smirks and rolls her eyes "Yeah, Ok." she pulls out the file and reads it quick. She stick it back in her coat "I'm looking for Silverfall ? Is she about?"
[2017/03/07 17:10] Karanna (karanna.lisa) slits her eyes.. an ere of suspicion about her.. "that depends on why you're looking for her.."
[2017/03/07 17:11] NicoleA Stine shrugs her shoulder and shakes her head "Nothing important. She had come to the library for a book. Just need to discuss it with her." she looks around "So is she here?"
[2017/03/07 17:15] Karanna (karanna.lisa) hears foot steps and turns to see silver rounding the corner into the pit.. she smirks.. looking back to Nicole.. "speak of the devil, and she shall appear.." she looks to silver, thumbing to Nicole.. "this one seeks an audience with you, daughter.."
[2017/03/07 17:16] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall): enters the Pit and slinks past Karanna with a nod, "Mother." then looks at Wyn, "Sister." then hears Kara, and turns to see the leather clad figure with a raised eyebrow."
[2017/03/07 17:18] NicoleA Stine turns to Silverfall and offers a nod "I'm not sure we've met, I am Nicole from the Library. I am wondering if we could talk in private, perhaps outside?"
[2017/03/07 17:20] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall): nods politely to Nicole, "Indeed. I am familiar with you, but I don't believe we have ever exchanged words. Or if we did they were trivial and not worth either of our note." She waves a hand for Nicole to lead the way outside.
[2017/03/07 17:21] NicoleA Stine nods and smiles "Excellent". She turns to the door and steps outside
[2017/03/07 17:21] Karanna (karanna.lisa) looks to silver.. "she says you had been to the library, inquiring about books.." she asks, curiosity in her tone.. her eyes dart back to Nicole.. "try to drag her away for any reason.. and i'll ensure you.. are dragged back HERE.."
[2017/03/07 17:22] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall): she listens to mother and shrugs, "You started this by making me read." and walks past her
[2017/03/07 17:22] NicoleA Stine turns around "As I said nothing very important, just need to chat."
[2017/03/07 17:24] NicoleA Stine turns around "So you came to the library on..." she opens the file "February 18th and borrowed the book 'Nature of Free Will'. It seems it was due back on March 4th" she closes the file and puts it in her jacket "Today is March 7th and it appears the book is over due. Do you still have it?"
[2017/03/07 17:24] Karanna (karanna.lisa) follows them out part way out the entry way, and stops by the gate as they turn the corner.. quiet, and listening..
[2017/03/07 17:25] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall): tilts her head, "I don't remember the day it was due back."
[2017/03/07 17:27] NicoleA Stine shrugs a shoulder "That's no problem. I've just come to collect the book, you can give it to me and this matter will be settled and the file closed." she smiles politely
[2017/03/07 17:28] Karanna (karanna.lisa) stays where she is.. quietly listening still.
[2017/03/07 17:29] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) sighs, "Look, I'm only about halfway through it and would really like to finish. Can I extend my contract?"
[2017/03/07 17:31] NicoleA Stine lifts a hand and cups her chin as she thinks for a moment. "Hmmm. How about I give you another week?" she pulls the file and a pencil out. "So that will be march 14." she writes in the file "If you need more time than that just bring it into the library and you can check it out again." she closes the file and slides it in her coat. "Fair enough for you?"
[2017/03/07 17:32] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) nods agreeably, "Fair enough."
[17:32] NicoleA Stine smiles and nods "So I'll be back on the 14, have a good night" she turns and steps off
[17:33] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall): nods, "And you the same."
[2017/03/07 17:33] Karanna (karanna.lisa) leans against the nearest entry way wall.. waiting to ensure the stranger departs..
*****March 11th
[11:13] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) sees Nicole, "Oh Hi, it's you." she licks some of the slime from her arm. "I had a question."
[11:14] NicoleA Stine turns to Silverfall "Oh hello there, a question? Sure."
[11:15] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) smiles sheepishly as she approaches, "This is only a hypothetical question mind you."
[11:16] NicoleA Stine nods "Ok?"
[11:16] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) folds her hands together, "How does the library handle loss or damaged books?"
[11:18] NicoleA Stine slowly nods her head "Oh not good." she continues to shake her head "It could be very bad. A payment would have to made to replace the damaged or lost property of the library. Why do you ask?"
[11:19] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) waves her hands before her, "Oh! Just curious is all! I'm very inquisitive." She grins brightly.
[11:21] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "I see, well I will come for the book in 3 days."
[11:22] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) continues to smile disarmingly, "Oh no, you don't need to do that. I'll bring it to you."
[11:22] NicoleA Stine nods her head "That will be fine. You can leave it with any librarian."
[11:24] Silverfall (succubus.silverfall) nods emphatically, "I'll be sure to do that. " She nods again, "Yes. Thank you. I'll leave you to your library stuff now." and turns to leave.
[11:24] NicoleA Stine waves.
The Institute Incident Report
In Character Name: NicoleA Stine
Date of the Incident:
On the roof of the porn shop
People involved and affiliations
The Shadows: Gevrin
[16:18] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar) looks over his shoulder, his words on the wind. "Stalking me?"
[16:18] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "Stalking you." she laughs softly "No. If I were you'd be dead by now." she smirks
[16:20] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar) smirks, "That's a comforting thought." Turns his head to look toward Haven once more.
[16:21] NicoleA Stine calls to him "So..." she jumps down and approaches him. "I saw you speaking to a shadow, is it true then?" she folds her arms and tilts her head to one side "Are you one of them?"
[16:23] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar): 'What if I was speaking to one. She is one of few who have bothered to speak with me at all. She has an interest in vampires and was one at one point.." Shrugs, only partially answering the question.
[16:26] NicoleA Stine stands behind him and takes a step closer to him. "There is a shadow I need to settle some business with, she goes by the name 'Silverfall'. Do you know the one I speak of?" she speaks in a sarcastic tone "that is if you are one of them."
[16:28] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar): 'Of the people I have met in this city, that is a name I am not familiar with." Turns, looking at her with complete sincerity. "In that you have my word."
[16:31] NicoleA Stine eyes him for a moment and studies his face "Perhaps I should carve my message in your flesh and leave you impaled on a stake in front of the pit to deliver the message." she glares at him for a moment then her expression becomes a bit softer "But that would be a waste of a perfectly good male. And this city is in such need of real men that it would be a shame to kill you." she grins sinisterly
[16:34] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar): 'Do you think it would bother them in the least? What I have heard of them, they do not much care what others believe of them. If Karanna crosses my path, I will deliver the message."
[16:38] NicoleA Stine slowly shakes her head "No I don't believe it would bother them, except for maybe Asher or Stitch. But perhaps if you just pass on the the message it will be more beneficial for you." she smiles "Besides I feel it would bring me more satisfaction if I carved my message in Ratt or Asher's flesh." she smirks
[16:39] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar) shrugs again. "I do not know either of those two. They are personal enemies of yours?"
[16:41] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "No?" she tilts her head "If I may offer you some advise I suggest you get to know either of those two very well. You may learn how to survive this city with what they can teach you."
[16:44] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar): 'I am not worried about this city.. it is.. momentary. and why would I seek those two out specifically?"
[16:46] NicoleA Stine drops one hand to her side and lifts the other to comb her fingers through her hair. When her fingers get to the end of her long hair she shrugs "No reason except the are knowledgeable in the way of the sword."
[16:48] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar): 'Are they? I am not unversed at swordplay but adding knowledge is never a waste." Watches her fingers move through her hair, giving an uncharacteristic smile as her fingers stop.
[16:50] NicoleA Stine nods "Then I guess you can manage." she smiles then takes a step to the side "Thank you in advance for delivering my message." she smiles "Hopefully we'll meet again." she smiles "I have some business to attend to, have a wonderful evening" she steps off unless stop
[16:55] Gevrin (gevrinsanguinar): ''And you, Nicole.. hope your evening is.. productive."
The Institute Incident Report
In Character Name: NicoleA Stine
Date of the Incident:
In front of the pit
People involved and affiliations
The Shadows: Stitch Jonze
Summary: Nicole leaves a message with Silverfall
[17:58] NicoleA Stine steps up to Stitch "Good evening Jonze. Might I have a word with you?" she folds her arms
[17:59] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) shrugs a shoulder "Yeah sure, whats up?"
[18:01] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "I wonder, have you seen Silverfall lately?" she tilts her head to one side and waits for his answer
[18:02] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) lifts a hand and rubs his chin "Hmmm, ya know. I can't say I have. Why do you need her?
[18:05] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes I do need to speak with her and I have been leaving messages for her with several from your clan." She adjusts her weight to her other foot. "If I didn't know better I'd say she was avoiding me."
[18:06] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) folds his arms "Do you wyou want to leave another message with me?" he offers.
[18:08] NicoleA Stine shakes her head "No that doesn't seem to be working very well. I think I need to send her a stronger message." she steps closer to him and lays a hand on his chest if allowed. She smiles at him seductively and speaks in a soft sinister voice "Hmmm perhaps I will you as my notepad."
[18:09] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) raises a brow and asks "Your note pad? What the fuck are you talking about?"
[18:10] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) doesn't stop her from laying her hand on his chest.
[18:16] NicoleA Stine starts to rub his chest with one hand and with the other she secretly slides a knife from her person "Yes my note pad." She quickly tries to rip his shirt open and brings the knife up to his chin. If successful the tip of her knife pierces his flesh just enough to draw a small trickle of blood. The blood slowly makes its way down the blade to her hand. He eyes open wide and she grins. "I'm going to carve my message into your flesh for Silverfall to see." she steps even closer to him
[18:20] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) is surprised as she rips open his shirt. Once her knife is under his chin he slowly raises his hands "Whoa, easy there Nicole." his nervousness shows in his voice. "Why me? I don't have anything to do with this, This is between you and Silver." he tries to take a step back with his hands still raised.
[18:24] NicoleA Stine continues to grin and she slides her knife down his neck to his chest. She swirls her knife around a bit and drops her knife down to his waist. Her other hand still holds his shirts. She shrugs a shoulder "You were just the lucky shadow I guess. I was actually looking forward to doing this to Ratt but I think you will suffice." she smiles
[18:26] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) feels the cold steel of the blade makes its way down his body. As it gets closer to his crotch he becomes more nervous. When when she stops at his waist band there is a certain amount of relief displayed on his face. "What do you mean lucky? What are you planning on doing?"
[18:29] NicoleA Stine laughs softly at him "I'm planning on using you as my note pad." she tilts her head to one side "I'm going to carve my message in your flesh then leave you hanging in front of the pit for all the shadows to read my message." she shrugs a bit and tilts her head to the other side "Probably a little bit of torture in between" she tries to rip his shirt off completely
[18:36] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) feels his shirt ripped from his body. He keeps his hands raised "Whoa wait a minute. You think I'm just going to let you torture me?" he shakes his head "I think you 've lost your mind. How about you put that knife away and we talk about this"
[18:40] NicoleA Stine slowly nods her head "Perhaps you are right. Maybe I should put this knife away." she drops the hand with the knife in it to her side. She secretes it somewhere on her body and draws her bat. "This does more damage" she grins as she grips the bat and begins to swing
[18:41] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) drops his hands and steps back gripping his bat. He begins to defend himself
[18:43] DCS 2.99.56 UI: ▶ Stitch Jonze has been defeated!
[18:46] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) feels the bat blow and falls to the ground hard. He groans in pain "Fuck me....." he lays on his stomach and tries to crawl away from her.
[18:48] NicoleA Stine drops Stitch with a final blow of her bat. She sheathes her bat and pulls her knife. She grabs him by his hair as he tries to get away and brings her knife to his throat. She presses the blade against his knife "Be still."
[18:49] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) feels the cold steel of her blade on his throat. He stops and remains still.
[18:55] NicoleA Stine rolls him over and takes her knife and begins to carve the words 'FREE WILL' in his chest. Then flips him over and does the same to his back all while explaining to him what he needs to do "So you are going to have Silver come to the library to see me. She will understand the message." She stands and presses her platform shoe on his neck. "Remember, I didn't kill you because I need you to deliver the message. The next shadow might not be so lucky." she lifts the blade to her mouth and licks the blood off of it before secure it. She reaches down and grabs him by the wrist, lifting him up and securing him to a makeshift pole in front of the pit.
[18:57] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) feels the knife slice through his flesh and the blood trickle down his body. Too weak to fight back he can't do much more than groan because of the pain. He hangs from the pole and feels his muscles ligaments and tendons stretch from his dead weight. He falls unconscious.
[19:00] NicoleA Stine stands in front of him and grins as her fangs begin to extends "I think perhaps a taste before I leave." she bares her fangs and drives them deep into the flesh of his neck. She begins to feed.
[19:04] Stitch T Jonze (stitch.jonze) feels the pain from her fangs and winces as she feeds on what little blood he has left. He has left. He simply hangs.
[19:05] NicoleA Stine licks her fangs clean and walks off leaving her message
The Institute Incident Report
In Character Name: NicoleA Stine
Date of the Incident:
On the street corner
People involved and affiliations
Nicole, The Institute
Lady Wyn, The shadows
Summary: Nicole ensures her message is sent to the Shadow command
[17:28] NicoleA Stine struts over to Lady Wyn "Hello."
[17:29] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind) smiles brightly at Nicole. "Hello dear."
[17:30] NicoleA Stine folds her arms over her stomach "I'm curious to know if you received my message?"
[17:31] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind): 'You left me a message? I'm afraid I've not received anything from the library. What did you need, Nicole?"
[17:33] NicoleA Stine shakes her head and looks down at the ground "Do you mean to tell me that Stitch hung from the fence in front of the pit for two days you and you have no idea what message?" she looks up "Perhaps I should deliver it straight to the top starting with you." she glares at Wyn with a narrowed gaze.
[17:37] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind): 'Hmm.. so you left a message on Stitch.. and Stitch was hanging from our fence.. no kidding.. I do know I was resting quite deeply due to some spells. Unfortunately, I don't tend to smell blood as keenly as vampires. So.. what were you attempting to convey to us? And is this from you? Or your Leaders at the Library?"
[17:41] NicoleA Stine unfolds her arms and the drop to her side "This message is from me." both her hands slide up her thigh and rest on her guns. "It seems Silverfall has destroyed a book she borrowed. The shadows need to make up the library's loss." the sound of her holsters unsnapping can be heard loud and clear.
[17:44] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind): "Hmmm, Silverfall. Well if she signs your agreement it's on her not the group but for the purposes of fostering good will between us, what sort of book? I have a rather large collection of things I've collected through the years, if not a copy something of similar value.."
[17:48] NicoleA Stine glares "You may see it as her problem but I will do what it takes to make her pay for our loss. And if that means I have to go through all the shadows to get her attention then I will." she shrugs a shoulder and smirks "So I guess now it is your problem." she loses the smirk on her face "The book was titled 'Free Will' and if you have a copy of it in your own personal collection then perhaps you can make the payment for Silverfall, that is if it is approved by my bosses. And of course if you wish to make a different offer, then that too must be approved."
[17:53] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind): 'Then I will seek out Felice or Denny myself to see what they may like if I do not have an exact copy. Again, just to keep relations as they were. I cannot say that our houses were ever close... but I have no desire to have issues outstanding..."
[17:56] NicoleA Stine nods her head and snaps her holsters "Good." she pauses for a moment and looks around the area "I will report our conversation to my bosses so they are aware." she offers Wyn a nod and steps off "Have a good evening" and continues to walk unless stopped.
[17:57] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind): 'As will I..." Her smile disappears, conjuring a shadow to enter and return to the Pit.
The Institute Incident Report
In Character Name: NicoleA Stine
Date of the Incident:
In the library
People involved and affiliations
Denny, Tira, Felice and Nicole, The Institute
Lady Wyn, The shadows
[2017/04/24 17:42] Denenthorn Masukami gingerly takes the book from the mystic, examining it before grunting, "This will be payment for Silverfall and should sate Nicole..." he says and then yawns, "as for the other thing. We don't take just books. Information. Knowledge. We'll take anything useful really..." he reminds her, "we're information brokers. Not just bookworms."
[2017/04/24 17:47] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind) as Denny yawns, she winces, her eyes moving around feeling something and shakes her head. 'Understandable, not sure any knowledge in Toxia is going to equal the value of that book.. providing you can get it or a copy.. I have the other, I would like the set... since my family was involved.. the only other contact I knew has been... retired..." Taps a finger against her lips as she thinks. "I suppose I shall have to come up with something good and that will give you time to see if you can get it... and then we can negotiate.. is that acceptable?"
[2017/04/24 17:49] Denenthorn Masukami nods, "Aye...." he says, "that is acceptable..." he says as he leans back and see Nicole, "Ah, Nicole." he says as he smirks, "Wyn has brought us a book. Repayment for the one Silverfall destroyed. I hate to ruin your fun, but I think that can count as payment received...." he tells her
[2017/04/24 17:51] NicoleA Stine steps forward and nods "How wonderful." she turns and smiles offering a nod to Wyn "Good evening Lady Wyn"
[2017/04/24 17:53] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind) smiles brightly at Denny. "I'd say I'd bring Shadow info but we both know that's a lie, I'd get flayed alive by Drake and while he is a very interesting demon, I don't think I want to play with him that much..." Tilts her head and smiles at Nicole. "Good evening, dear."
[2017/04/24 17:56] Tira O'Conner (tanpopo.demonia) appeared in a flurry of shadows on the couch next to Denny, not saying a word, in the middle of whatever conversation they were having... looking relaxed as she examined her claws...
[2017/04/24 17:56] Denenthorn Masukami grunts as he waves his hand and the books flies to the top of the second floor and he grins, "Oh come now..." he says, "He can't be all THAT creepy..." he grunts, "And it doesn't have to be Shadow information. I like ALL information. You got something juicy and need something just as juicy or juicier you come to me..."
[2017/04/24 17:59] NicoleA Stine spots Tira on the couch and offers her a quick wave. She returns her attention to Denny and Wyn and listens to their conversation
[2017/04/24 18:03] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind) wiggles her fingers in greeting to the demoness. "Really Denny? I know you have met Drake and you say he cannot be that creepy? Maybe not for you.. I have boobs and curves, believe me, he notices.. .. and he's most particular about etiquette among the family. "I'll get something of value together, unless I come across some very juicy information for you..."
[2017/04/24 18:05] Denenthorn Masukami nods, "I was being sarcastic, Wyn..." he says, "I do that if you forgot... It is one of the many services I offer...." he grins, "That is fine for me...." he adds, "just keep your damn Shadows in line when it comes to my Library. Next time I'll take entrails as payment."
[2017/04/24 18:06] NicoleA Stine waves a hand "Drake isn't that bad.." she takes a seat
[2017/04/24 18:06] Tira O'Conner (tanpopo.demonia) chuckled, catching the tail end of that conversation. "Oooh..I would love to help with that..." she smiled, not looking up from her nails. "Drake is as creepy as they come, seems funny that he never noticed that I had tits when I was under him... Perhaps it was because I wasn't a little feline?"
[2017/04/24 18:07] Denenthorn Masukami looks at Tannypo and her chest, "I noticed..." he says and turns back, "They bounce when you move just right.... it's nice..." he nods
[2017/04/24 18:11] Tira O'Conner (tanpopo.demonia) chuckled and glanced up at Denny. "Thanks... they do don't they..." she said as she glanced down at them before going back to her nails.
[2017/04/24 18:11] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "Under him?" her jaw drops, she then holds up a hand and closes her eyes "I don't want to know." she lays her hand down on her chest
[2017/04/24 18:13] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind): 'I'm pretty sure it's because he cannot have me.. that he keeps an eye on me and a tentacle waiting. I could be wrong." Winks knowingly at Denny. "As long as it's not mine, and believe me, I revere books, which is why I collect them.. do take very good care of that one..." Looks to all three with a smile. "Unless I'm needed for anything else.. I think I'm going to go look through my relics..."
[2017/04/24 18:13] Tira O'Conner (tanpopo.demonia) looked up from her claws giving Nicole a flat stare. "Not that way... Your mind is just as dirty as mine. Sometimes I wondered if the guy was slightly on the gay side as he never even hit on me..."
[2017/04/24 18:15] Denenthorn Masukami nods and bows to Wyn, "If that is your desire. Fairfarren, Lady Wyn...." he says, "Walk in The Shadows as your people say..."
[2017/04/24 18:15] Felice Nightfire walks into the library and stops by the shelves near the sitting area. Her wings refold behind her as her hands clasp in front of her.
[2017/04/24 18:15] NicoleA Stine smirks at Tira "Just teasing is all." She turns to Lady Wyn and offers her a wave
[2017/04/24 18:16] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind) murmurs, "With some of his outfits, yeah I have wondered myself..." Turns her smile on Denny. "That might work if I was a demon.. I'm just a necromancer.. at least until Anubis releases me... may you find all your blessings.. above ground.." Winks again and turns with a bounce, walking out. "Night all!"
[2017/04/24 18:17] Lady Wyn (wyntiir.galewind) waves to Felice on the way out.
[18:21] Tira O'Conner (tanpopo.demonia) smiled at Nicole and laughed softly, shaking her head. Her hand moved to her thigh and she tapped her claws on it while snuggling back into the chair. "Sooooo...."
[18:21] Felice Nightfire nods her head to Wyn as she heads away, then wiggles her fingers to those within. "Everyone seems to be looking well and put together... Excellent." she states, leaning against the shelf with crossed arms.
[18:23] NicoleA Stine turns her attention to the sound of Felice's voice and smiles at her "Hello" she looks back to Denny "So shall I close the file on Silverfall?"
[18:29] Denenthorn Masukami looks to Nicole, "close the file..." he says before turning to Tira, "What did the felines do this time?" he asks
[18:30] NicoleA Stine offers Denny a nod of her head
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
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