Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Nicole sent to deal with Lykin's punishment.

In Character Name: NicoleA Stine (Foxy Bodyguard)
Date of the Incident:
On the street near the hospital

People involved and affiliations
Nicole, The Institute
Katelyn Nerido, The Institute
Kaylee, The Coven
Lykin Dagger, the prowlers

Katelyn finds the book Lykin 'pooped' in and sends Nicole to deal with the punishment.

[20:17] Katelyn Nerido walks around to the other shelf. A smell hits her nose and she covers it in disgust. She looks up, scanning the entirety of the shelf until she spots it. She grabs the book and sure enough it's filled with shit. She growls and just as quickly closes it. She places a hand on top and the book disappears. She stands up and fixes her glasses. She turns to look at the woman and spots Nicole "Ah! Nicole.. you have the best timing. That book was full of literal shit and I know whose done it. If you could... "inform" Lykin that he is banned from the library indefinitely?"

[20:18] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) stops as she hears the heels and looks ups slowly....her paw raking a swipe at her lips ot make sure she got all the cake crumbs..."hmmmz...Hiyaz!"

[20:18] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) nods her head.."me'z the prowlerz ambassa...somethingz...for da's libraries..mez was here yesterdayz aboutz readingz lessons

[20:20] NicoleA Stine looks over at Kate "He shit in the book?" she shakes her head "I'll take care of him." she looks to Talender "Ok and who did you speak to about lessons?"

[20:20] tessa Vespucciano bounces in and gives the globe a spin as she passes it.

[20:21] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) thinks...tryig to remember her exact name..she knows better than to lies.."Ceists, mes thinkz...dat herz names

[20:23] Katelyn Nerido nods "He did. And he tried to play it off. Thank you" she says with a smile and looks to the woman she was helping "Sorry.. slight distraction." she says and begins searching again "I'm not sure if we're in need of anmmunition really" she informs her and pulls out a book and scans its pages.

[20:24] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Ok. Ceists? I don't know that person."

[20:25] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) bites her lip..she isn't sure of the name.."shez gots a tails...mez remembers dat

[20:27] ღвøηηⓘє ⓅαЯεĶяεღ (trinsat) looks behind her and blinks then turns around joining those in the main part holding up a finger "Im just trying to check out a book"/9ooc brb

[20:34] Talender Belle (talenderbelle): me bounces as she remembers.."she'z  Chellie

[20:35] Katelyn Nerido looks to the woman and she offers the book out to her. She could clearly make out it's title as "How To - Scotch Whiskey". She looks to her "Are you done filling out the library card? What would you like to trade for it?" she asks again.

[20:35] ღвøηηⓘє ⓅαЯĶεяღ (trinsat) nods to her handing back both the crayon and the card and takes the book "when should I have this back to you?"

[20:37] ღвøηηⓘє ⓅαЯĶεяღ (trinsat) pulls several clips of 45 rounds as well as 9mm

[20:40] Katelyn Nerido looks over the library card "Bonnie. Lovely to meet you. I'm Katelyn" she says with a warm smile and she pockets the card. "I.. we dont have a need for ammunition at the moment. Perhaps you can trade some oil instead seeing as you work in the garage? Let's say, five gallons?" she asks.

[20:42] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) look sup to the tall lady.."me'z rememberz...herz names wuz Chellie

[20:43] NicoleA Stine nods to Talender "Ah Chellie, I don't believe she is here right now."

[20:43] ღвøηηⓘє ⓅαЯĶεяღ (trinsat) holds up a finger to the female and smiles "As Ive yet to even make it out of being a rookie how about you can take these for now and when I talk to Pix and my leader I can say yes or no" she smiles weakly "I really cant say yes or no to that much yet"

[20:43] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) nods and sighs.."'s comes backz...thanks youse forz youse timez

[20:44] NicoleA Stine nods to talender "You're welcome." She turns to Kate I look for Lykin and inform him of his punishment." she turns and steps towards the door

[20:44] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) will head for the door if not stop for her cake borrowing..prowlers don't steal..just borrow

[20:45] Talender Belle (talenderbelle): here's youse is

[20:45] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) smiles and nodded. "Yes. Here I am."

[20:45] Talender Belle (talenderbelle): me'z needs readingz lessonz..butz..talliez is busy rights nows

[20:48] Kaylee (kayleekills) frowns, standing up and brushing herself off, looking to her familiar.  "Wha.....?

[20:48] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) looks innocent..

[20:48] Lykin Dagger looks behind the Tallicat.. eyes sinking in and ears folding back.. tail dropping as he looks to NicoleA.. shaking his head slowly "You never just come to 'visit' me.. suppose you know now?"

[20:49] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) breaks in.."deys findz a books wiff poops!

[20:50] NicoleA Stine folds her arms and glares at Talender "I'll deal with you later." she looks at Lykin "Did you really shit in a book?"

[20:50] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) looks ups to Nicole.."Mez tells youse meez da prowlerz ambassadoorz!

[20:50] Kaylee (kayleekills) crosses her arms loosely, standing next to Lykin and just turns her gaze towards him, her expression completely unreadable

[20:51] Lykin Dagger blinks "OH! That just WRONG!! I thought she was here over the stealing of cake and cookies.. who would shit in a book?" looking to NicoleA as she asked her question.. taking a moment to ponder this.. then just hangs his head.. "I don't wanna lie to you NicoleA.. so.. you want the absolute truth.. mid truth.. or just my version of what it MIGHT be?"

[20:51] Talender Belle (talenderbelle): checkz wiff Kitz and Magpiez...dey knowz..~she mutterz to herself...she is supposed to be here!

[20:54] NicoleA Stine huffs at Talender "Enough out of you, shoosh now." She looks at Lykin "Cake and cookies are there for all to enjoy so eat as much as you want. Truth, mid truth or just your version ends all the same, you shit in a book."

[20:54] Lykin Dagger grumbles "Well shit.. " then looks back to Kaylee.. frowning a bit.. "One of them walls might do you well now..." turning his attention back to NicoleA.. sighing all dramatic like.. "Yes.. NicoleA.. I did.. in a moment of misunderstanding of doing what I was instructed to do.. non the less.. I have no excuse.. I will just man up and admit it and get it over with.."

[20:56] Kaylee (kayleekills) bites her lip, nodding to Lykin, "Too bad we didn't actually work on them just yet..."  She bfore looking to the librarian, "I apologize for my Familiar... he has... issues.  I can repair and clean the book for you, with no effort from your staff necessary."

[20:56] NicoleA Stine sighs as she listens to Lykin "Well as it stands now you are banned from the library until further notice. Also library will need payment for the replacement of the book. I will be in touch with you about the payment. So no more cookies and cake for you."

[20:57] NicoleA Stine turns to kaylee "And how do you plan on cleaning the book?"

[21:01] Kaylee (kayleekills) raises her hands, her palms glowing, "If you're looking for payment, i can tell you I don't have money.  What I do have are a very particular set of skills.  Skills acquired over a fairly average mortal lifespan.  Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.  Or a dream, depending."  She wiggles her fingers, sparks flying off.  "I can change things from one thing into another.  Hence... poop book becomes book with excess dust, or pages, or..."  she shrugs, "Dealer's choice."

[21:01] Lykin Dagger yowls gently at the thought of no cookies and cake.. just shivering at the thought.. then again.. dramatically sighs.. completely uncalled for.. but he was just gonna show his protest of no cake and cookies "Wait wait.. please.. lets talk this over for a moment.. Yes yes.. I was wrong.. I misunderstood a telling of "go start some shit".. I took a bit too literal.. and by the time I could back out and fix it the Blade Runner was all my tail hole and wanting to like eat me.. I gots scurred.. so I lied to them.. can't even go in supervised for at least the cake?" throwing his arms up in frustration "Why are the people of the building soooo harsh when it comes to simple mistakes and accidents.. first they wanna eat me.. aaaaand .. and .. now.. no cheesecake.. no cookies?" just frowns.. "Might as well just .. " and right there he decides to the shut the fuck up

[21:07] NicoleA Stine turns to Talender and with her arms folded she stomps her foot "Enough, or you wont get anymore cookies and cake." She turns to Kalylee with a narrowed gaze "Are you threatening me?" she shakes her head "Oh sweetie, you may be able to turn your fingers into sparklers but I have more power in my little pinkie than you'll ever know." she pauses for a moment "But if you think you can bail him out of this mess I'll give you an opportunity to prove yourself." she looks at Lykin "Now as for you I will say your munishment is for two weeks IF she can clean the book." she eyes him.

[21:08] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) lower her eyes and shrinks as small as she can..she adores Lykin...but she isnt risking cookies for him

[21:10] Kaylee (kayleekills) shakes her head with a little laugh, "Actually it wasn't a threat at all.... I told you what I can do, I offered to do it.  I'd prefer no harm or anguish come to my Familiar here, for pretty obvious reasons, so I'd be happy to fix the book up."  She reaches up, scritching Lykin's ear, whispering something to him.

[21:12] Lykin Dagger mrowls gently.. looking to Kaylee "Just clean.. no need for anymore.. " then looks to the Tallicat.. smiling gently to her with adoring eyes.. winking playfully "shhhhhhh" raising a finger to his lips "Keep your cookies kitten!" then finally to NicoleA.. nodding just once pointing to Kaylee.. "She wasn't threatening anyone.. please.. and as for my munishment.. I will except its.. I mades a mistake.. I don't wants no one hurt over it.. specially My Prowlers.. please.." looking to her for reassurance

[21:20] NicoleA Stine looks at Talender "Reading lessons are boring when there is no cookies." she looks at Kaylee "The librarian Katelyn has the book when you want to attempt your magic just ask for her." nods to Lykin "No one will get hurt. I thought I would have to spank you but it seems your friend here has saved you." she turns then stops "Oh one more thing." she turns around "Could you ask Koi if the shipment of stockings he owes me has come in yet?" she smiles then turns to step off

[21:22] Talender Belle (talenderbelle) waits til she starts oto walk..before moving one itten muscles..she will hop over to lykin to make sure he's ok...

[21:22] Kaylee (kayleekills) nods to NicoleA, looking somewhat relieved at her words.  "I'll be sure to look for her."  She continues scratching Lykin's ear slowly, watching Nicole move out

[21:25] Lykin Dagger takes a long deep breath.. looking to his body.. touching everywhere.. "No holes.. no spells.. no demon in me.. Oh my gods.. I have gots to be the luckiest damn Tom in tox.. holy shit!" mrowls softly and purrs.. waving a paw at NicoleA as she parts.. nuzzling the Tallikitten and pressing into the scratches.. "I don't know how I survived this.. " looking between the two.. "Legs there" pointing to NicoleA as she walks off.. "She usually means the Death Dealer is here to collect.. " his eyes catching her legs for just a split second.. then he back to reality and scratches

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