In Character Name: NicoleA Stine (Foxy Bodyguard)
Date of the Incident:
in the Library
People involved and affiliations
Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom): Mercenary
NicoleA Stine
Kimer (nyx.robinson)
Chellie (chellie.sholokhov)
Fraz comes to the library for vampire fangs.
[16:23] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) pops out from the bookshelf and wanders over to the group, standing a little ways back, and prepares himself to either run or fight if needed, "Excuse me..." he says calmly from behind his mask.
[16:24] NicoleA Stine raises a brow and looks up at Fraz "Hello there."
[16:26] Kimer (nyx.robinson) frowns at the sound of unfamiliar footsteps which transforms to a grumble which she hears and equally unknown voice speaking, "What is it?" she sharply asks without turning around...being forever the friendliest librarian
[16:26] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) turned again and finally takes note of the one she heard moments ago entering. "Hallo." She tsks at Kimer's less polite way of talking and swatted at her like stern mother.
[16:27] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) raises a brow from behind his mask as the woman in front of him snaps a bit, and then scans his eyes over the other two before speaking, "I'm in need of finding a somewhat rare commodity, and having once been an employee of the Library long ago, I thought perhaps some of you might be able to help."
[16:30] NicoleA Stine uncrosses then crosses her legs as tilts her head to one side "Well how rare?" she starts to shake her head "Because if you are interested in green eggs and ham or hop on pop the answer will be no"
[16:31] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) stretches an arm across the back of the sofa as she let her body rest sideways slightly to continue taking in the figure behind Kimer. " Then you should remember that rare things here are not usually found on the ground level." She reminded him as politely as she could, though inwardly, she's laughing from Nicole's comment. " What exactly are you in search of, sir?"
[16:32] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) listens and laughs at the Dr.Seuss retort, before he looks back to the one in white sitting in front of him, "Fangs. Fresh, they must be fresh..." He says rather bluntly, "Obviously not something found on the shelves here."
[16:33] Kimer (nyx.robinson) growled lowly at the disciplinary swatting but it held no real vigor. "Kaf's tat ty.." she hrpmf'd after. "The voodoo shop is down the street, buddy." she rounded back to the actual conversation instead of keeping on the pouty child act
[16:34] NicoleA Stine lays a hand on her chest "Oh my, you want fangs? From what type of creature?" she looks at Kimer "Perhaps we should hear his offer." then returns her attention to Fraz
[16:36] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) shakes his head, "Do you think I'm a retard who wouldn't know that you can get them from there? Obviously, there is a reason I am here, and not there." He says to the redhead in front of him, before returning to talking to the other woman, "Vampire. In exchange, I can offer one angel feather, for two fangs." He says, knowing that both items are of high value, and hoping that if they even had any, they would find his offer reasonable, although something told him it would likely end up costing him more than just a feather.
[16:36] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) is now one to be lifting a finely sculpted brow at what she hears is his need to find. "Interesting.." she said in a quiet tone and it was the only thing she would say, because as Nicole had questioned, there were a few different species in the city that had fangs.
[16:37] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) added. " We are also abundant in feathers here so that offer is kind of weak for a trade."
[16:40] NicoleA Stine shakes her head "Oh no dear, sorry but Chellie is right. We have so many feathers.' she leans in towards Chellie "Some demons and mutants have fangs." she leans back
[16:41] Kimer (nyx.robinson) lazily steps forward. One step, two. Hopefully no-one's moved the couch. And found herself sitting down on the plus sofa and stretches out a bit for comfort before returning a smidge of attention back on the trade at hand.
[16:41] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) shrugs, "Then I can offer the blood of one of the only cybernetics in the city, which has millions of nanomachines in it, designed to automatically heal the one they are inside of. Consider it a 'rapid heal potion' if you will."
[16:43] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) let her nails tap gently on the wood, a faint click. Click. Click is heard each time. The Crone looked from Kimer to Nicole as if to judge what they would offer this time to the conversation, letting the longer placed staff have more of a word on thoughts this time around as she had been gone way too long or too often.
[16:47] NicoleA Stine moves her attention to Kimer as she watches her walk and take a seat on the couch "Oh my. Kimer, have you lost your glasses again?" She looks at Fraz "Why not take them yourself? You have four or five to choose from. They are just sitting on the car waiting to be plucked" she smiles
[16:49] Kimer (nyx.robinson) briefly rests her eyes on where she heard Nicole's voice. "Something like that..." she admitted, unable to hide the weariness in her voice. A sigh covers that up nicely. "I see no value in his offer.."
[16:56] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) turned away from the individual to cross her thick legs comfortably so she's something to rest her hands on. " Well, technically I am of no use to this conversation but as a witness. I imagine you want something simply easy and quick so you came here, instead of ripping them simply from its owner down the street. " She stated as she lazily patted the top of her knee as she spoke. " If there were any still on the premises, it would take much more than that...for the majority of staff here are non human. Is that correct ladies?"
[16:57] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) looks to Nicole and just laughs, "I got two from one of them. Now they are scouring the entire city looking for me. You think I'll get a chance to take more from them? Ha." He says, before sighing and stepping forward into the carpeted area to face the group properly, "I come here, out of desperation, not because this is my first option. The only things I have to offer are the cybers blood and feathers, unless you have something else in mind. Again, I didn't plan to even be here...Things just got a bit...fucked, so I'm making due with what I can."
[17:00] NicoleA Stine nods her head in agreement with Kimer "Neither do I. Feathers and artificial blood?" she shakes her head a bit. She tilts her head to one side " So who was the unlucky bastard you took the fangs from ?"
[17:01] Kimer (nyx.robinson) folds her arms and rests them on her stomach, "A nobody I would guess. Be that vampires these days are..." she looked from Fraz to Nicole. "A bit trigger happy"
[17:04] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) lofted a brow when Denenthorn passed through instead of staying around to see what was going on and turned her attention back to their guest. " Most of them are children, so not so surprised they are not around here. And, considering fangs do not grow back for vampires as is..or do they for some, Nicole? I mean, what adult teeth do grow back really." The crone laughed and shrugged. " If you do not mind me asking, why do you need them fresh exactly?"
[17:06] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) shrugs, "Her name is Pandora. Cute little thing. I actually felt bad when I yanked the fangs out of her. I didn't like that I had to hurt her, but my need for these fangs is more dire than beating the snot out of her. However, I have the entire alliance after me now, to the point they have gone around the city knocking on doors, looking for information about me...As for their regrowth, I'm told they do regrow, the older the vampire and the stronger their powers; the faster the teeth return. This one, was freshly turned, very recent...." He then raises his hands and bows slightly while holding his hands in a praying fashion, "I apologize, but I can't tell you what they are for however, simply that being fresh and not 'sitting a drawer for twenty years' is a requirement."
[17:09] NicoleA Stine sighs "They are hunting you, so why should we risk an all out war with Kindred," she speaks aside "Not that I would nt mind a nice war with them." she looks up at him "But the other librarians would suffer." she looks to Chellie "I don't know.? Hmmm.. But I've never had mine removed.But I think he is right, they will grow back" she looks at Fraz and in a sarcastic tone she response "The WHOLE alliance?." she smirks "Sorry for the sarcasm but the Alliance is a joke."
[17:11] Chellie (chellie.sholokhov) 's lips come together in a slight piercing of disappointment but would nod as she proved she'd been listening to his explaination. " So you were the one that was being spoken about earlier while I was in the bar. Huh..." When she frowned, it was more caused with thoughts running through her head most likely. " If anything, this would be a matter more for Magpie..though I doubt you would enjoy the payment trade from the old pervy bird himself."
[17:20] Kimer (nyx.robinson) mumbles a few incoherences before addressing Nicole, "A hand for a fang?" she offers, "I am sure some fun can be had with it."
[17:20] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) snickers, looking to Nicole, "There would be no war, because nobody but the four of us, knows I'm here. Yet. The longer we talk, the easier that could be to change. I would take the fangs and be on my way." And then he looks back to Chellie, "I can imagine, with him. So let me do this way." He then turns back to Nicole, "You and I have gotten along in the past. I ask you this, can I have your fangs, and I will give you the blood which will speed up your recovery exponentially. In return, I'll also owe you a favour, which if I may say, means something; considering the work I do, obviously good enough to piss off the most powerful group in the city."
[17:25] NicoleA Stine leers at him and slowly shakes her head "No you can not have my fangs." she hears Kimer's offers and nods to her "Perhaps you would be willing to give us a piece of you for a piece of them? A hand perhaps and perhaps something mechanical. We get you two fangs you give us two of your parts." she scoff;s at his comment "The Kindred is hardly the most powerful group in the city."
[17:26] Kimer (nyx.robinson): "However it is one of the more bitchy groups.." Kimer added in with much snark
[17:27] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) laughs, "You fight them, library vs kindred, and watch what group walks away victorious. They have become the new schoolyard bullies, like the Shadows were ages past." And then he holds up his hands and shrugs, "My hands can be rebuilt. I am more machine now than I am human. If you want both of my hands, I can give you both since my exoskeleton is man-made."
[17:32] NicoleA Stine laughs out loud and holds her belly as the laughter begins to hurt. She finally calms down "Oh My Dear man You don't know me very well do you. I will be the one to walk away victorious. That is if you are able to find one willing to fight me." she pulls out her pink hello kitty DE .50 cal and shows him marks on the handle "See that one... Jonny, and that one... Camille. Do you know why Taurius isn't on here?" she laughs "Becuase he isn't willing to meet me on the streets." she scoffs at him and turns her attention away from him and towards Kimer and rolls her eyes
[17:33] NicoleA Stine returns her pistol its proper hiding spot
[17:34] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) snickers, "I know how well you fight. I have watched you, for a very long time. But the fact remains, that they are the powerhouse of the city as a collective right now. My plan for what I need these for, result in them being taken down a peg, also as a collective. It's obvious neither of you like them, so let me take them down a notch, and you can enjoy the show."
[17:37] Kimer (nyx.robinson) facepalms, "Okay...this pissing contest is entertaining and all.." she pointed a finger at Fraz. "But you're problems are not ours. And you have not given us a reason least worthy offer that might keep..." she gestures to Nicole, "One from turning you in to that which hunts you.."
[17:38] Ƥąulù (pellambluemire) discretely rolls into the library on a skateboard looking for the head librarian he was instructed to talk with. He senses an intense conversation and decides to listen in.
[17:41] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) shrugs as he turns to face the redhead again, "They are yours. They are the entire city's problem. The Kindred will continue to grow more and more bold, and more and more of a problem for the people around. When I am done, that shouldn't be a problem anymore. But fine." he says before looking up to the one who entered, "I have one last offer, but I will not make it in such a public place. It's the reason I need what I came here for, and if you want the details and what it means to you, I want a private audience. Just you and I." he says, looking back to Kimer.
[17:44] NicoleA Stine stands and steps closer to Fraz. She attempts to lay a hand on his chest if allowed. She smiles and begins to speak in a soft seductive tone "Or perhaps a different type of deal could be made." She turns her attention to Kimer and raises both brows a few times. She brings her attention back to Fraz and she quickly draws a knife and places it under his chin "Perhaps we could make a deal with the Kindred and toss your limp bloody corpse on their doorstep" she grins as she adds a tiny bit of pressure to the knife "After all as you say they are the most powerful in the city, a token wouldn't hurt our cause." She drops the knife from his chin "But I will entertain your final offer. Perhaps we should go upstairs in private."
[17:48] Kimer (nyx.robinson) watches Nicole act with amusement, "If you two can strike up a deal have at it. If not...Nicole dear try not to stain the floor this time, won't you?"
[17:48] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) snickers rather than show fear, "You won't be holding a knife to me threatening to throw me to the wolves, if you know the final offer. Rest assured." And then, while the knife is being lowered, he looks to the feline man, "You, are you a prowler?" he asks bluntly. "I am a very close friend of theirs. Keep what you heard here to yourself, or they will have no problems letting me kick the shit out of you for opening your mouth. Hell, Kitz would probably hand me the club to use."
[17:49] DCS 2.99.56: Fraz Gloom OOC: just to clarify that last post. Fraz doesn't know the feline is a prowler, he asks if he is, and then just makes the last comment working under the assumption he probably is; but not actually knowing.
[17:53] Ƥąulù (pellambluemire) listens, sliding the skate board forward and backward, looking disinterested as only a feline can. His tail flicks at the ghostly figure's threatening voice, not certain how to respond. "Paulu.... Prowler..." His tail flicks nervously, "Look for big book bird... "
[17:55] Kimer (nyx.robinson) hears Paulu and turns in his direction...then she hears the skateboard, "Did you just...come in here...on a ...Get out." she warned, "Get out!" and that was assuredly a threat.
[17:55] NicoleA Stine turns to Paulu and waves the knife as she speaks "Don't be scared kitty, No one will hurt you in here." she smiles "Ah well that would be Magpie and he isn't here right now. Do you have a message for him?" she turns to Fraz and whispers to him "Give me a moment please." she returns to the Kitty
[17:57] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) smirks, "Paulu, I'm a friend, this is just serious shit. So please, silence I ask." and then he turns to nod to Nicole, "I'll meet you by the stairs. I don't like being close to the doors like this, easy to be found."
[17:58] Ƥąulù (pellambluemire)'s tail straightens, about to scram at Kimer's direction but is held in place by Nicole's question, answering, "Paulu.... pay late book fee..." He slides out of the library his fear overtaking him, nearly running into the globe in his haste.
[17:59] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) sighs, "Poor cat. I really am a friend of theirs..." under his breath quietly, and then walks off to the stairs.
[18:00] NicoleA Stine laughs as Paulu runs off. She turns to Kimer "I'll be back." she steps towards the stairs
[18:00] Kimer (nyx.robinson) just happens to have a rolled up newspaper and stomps out after the cat
[18:01] NicoleA Stine walks up the stairs, stops and turns "So what is your final offer?" placing both hands on her hips
[18:01] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) follows Nicole up the stairs, and stops a little behind her, facing her as he says, "What I disclose to you here, stays between you, me, and only those in your faction who truly need to know." as he takes off his mask, "Do we have a deal?"
[18:02] NicoleA Stine lifts her arms and folds them "We have a deal, anything you say is between you and me."
[18:03] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) nods, "The reason I need vampire fangs, is they are part of the payment requested of me, for the creation of a potion. A very special potion, that only affects Demons. It fucks them up, think of it like a Date-Rape drug for Demons, leaving most of them a drooling mess on the floor until their regeneration kicks in. We don't know quite how potent it will be yet, but we estimate that most demons should be affected for at least a few minutes...and a lot of damage can be done in a few minutes."
[18:05] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "And how does this bring the alliance down a peg?"
[18:06] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) smiles, "It doesn't. But there is another very powerful group, who has agreed that if I give them a sample of this drug, they will take the alliance down a peg for me. I am a mercenary, but they will be my mercenaries on this task, and they will bring hell down upon the kindred."
[18:09] NicoleA Stine lifts a hand to her chin and she extends her index finger and taps it on her lips "Hmmm. she ponders his statement for a moment. She drops her hand from her chin "And whats in it for me?"
[18:10] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) smirks, "I thought you'd never ask. I'll give you a sample as well. Not enough to use on anyone, but to study. You know that I have half the city looking for me now, the alliance and any friends of theirs. Do you think that I would risk that, for anything less than something amazing? You can bring your faction this drug sample, and the credit for arranging that, will go to you."
[18:14] NicoleA Stine looks away for a moment and thinks. She returns her gaze to him "Well as for me, I don't have the ability to analyze the potion but I am sure someone here could. And since there wouldn't be an amount enough to infect someone it would be useless if I couldn't get it analyzed. I will have to discuss this with other before I could give you an answer."
[18:16] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom) nods,"That is my point. You can't analyze it, but you can present it to your faction to study. The librarians love this kind of shit, so, in exchange for two fangs, the fresher the better, I'll give you this." He says, before holding out his hand, "Your fangs will regrow, we can do this right now." And then opens his hand to reveal the vial of his blood, "And this'll have you back up and running much faster than any humans blood."
[18:21] NicoleA Stine looks out towards the balcony and in a deep growl she speaks "If you ask for my fangs one more time I will rip your throat out and toss you off this balcony." She turns to face him with her eyes red and her fangs beginning to grow. "You fool if I wanted your blood I would simply take it.. You have nothing to offer us." she gestures her hand in a shooing motion "Be gone, before you can't." she glares at him
Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom): /me snickers, "Nothing to offer, but the power to take out any demon you want. Really? I'd have definitely called that a fair deal. The only reason I asked for your teeth is their freshness, if you can get others that are fresh I'm more than fine with that...As for the blood, it was a gesture of good faith, not an insult. You really should study more about how business is conducted...I'm following simple protocol." But he does not leave, "There is no need for us both not to profit off this. How long would it take you to confer with the others, and come to a decision about who would analyze it and such?"
[2017/10/24 18:25] NicoleA Stine: /me continues to glare at him "I will find you with my decision in one days time."
[2017/10/24 18:26] Fraz Leonheart (fraz.gloom): /me nods, "Cool by me. Take this as a token of my good faith." he says, and simply tosses the little glass vial of his blood towards her softly, before not saying another word and turning around to walk away if not stopped.
[2017/10/24 18:27] NicoleA Stine: /me watches the vial in the air and catches it. "I'll see you then"
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
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