[16:16] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) walked passed Nicole, then noticing who he had just passed by, he turned back around to address her. "Oh it's you..." he said with a sinister grin. "Mind if I ask you a few questions?"
[16:19] NicoleA Stine turns to the voice and sees Inspector. She nods "Hello, what would you like to ask of me?"
[16:23] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) glances around, seemingly not caring much for the openness of the streets. "I heard three of yours talking with a feline, particularly a Prowler. His name is Shaffer and he has done his wrongs to the Shadows. Three of your librarians were discussing plans with him to evaluate and convey a plan to harm the Lord of Shadows. As far as I am concern, the Institute has an underground agreement to work with the Shadows. SO why would your members be trying to harm Drake?" He grinned, licking his lips as if the sound of it was still intriguing.
[16:26] NicoleA Stine folds her arms over herself and tilts her head to one side "I don't know of any plan for the librarians to harm Drake." she tilts her head to the other side and asks "Why are you concerned with the wellbeing of Drake?" she raises a brow as she shifts her weight from one foot to the other
[16:28] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) would snicker at her question, raising an open palm and shaking his head with a hiss. "I am not concerned with the well being of anyone... I like bloodshed and manslaughter... I just wanted to know why a few low ranking librarians would break such an arrangement to assist the Prowlers in their agenda in fighting the Shadows? It all sound so interesting..." He was obviously not the same man he once was before, and his appearance was just the exterior of it.
[16:32] NicoleA Stine shrugs a shoulder "Like I said, I know of no plans. Perhaps you could elaborate on what you've heard?" she steps closer eying Inspector's new appearance "Perhaps you are working for Drake, simply trying to cause trouble.... hmmm" her gaze narrows as she continues to survey him
[16:36] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) would snarl at her assumption. "I work for no one. I'm not some fullish demon who serves the rulers of this realms lands... If you wish to know what I have heard, go speak to your subordinates. I care nothing for the Shadows or the Institute... Inspector is gone... But this information is mine to do as I please with it. If the situation is not dissolved, then I may have to take this information to a more beneficial level for my self."
[16:41] NicoleA Stine curls her lip and a low growl emanates from her diaphragm. She lifts a hand and points her long bony index finger at him. "You don't want to cross me" she looks him up and down with an expression of disdain. "Do what you want with the information but be careful. It just might bite you in the ass" she brings her hand back to her body.
[16:50] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) would look at her with his ever growing sinister grin. "The snake wondered into my garden. It thought it could killed me with a bite baring a yield of it's venom. It missed. It slithered out of my garden seeking an escape. Little did it know I had followed. So I thought to my self poisonous creatures can no longer be aloud in the garden. So the only resolve was eradication...." Thus was his only response, taking a few away from Nicole with a bow. " I do believe your fangs do not have the venom I seek. So your rattle has no baring in the outskirts of this garden."
[16:53] NicoleA Stine grins with a flash of her fangs "But your veins contain the poison I desire" she steps even closer to him. She reaches out with a hand and if allowed she would grab him by his lapel, pull him in close and licks his lip. She remains close and laughs a bit releasing his lapel.
[17:04] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) would feel her lick his lip, only causing him to stick his tongue out and jab her with his. Less sensual, and more of an odd strike. Pulling his wet appendage back into his mouth, he would shake his head with a grin. "Evil is the only intention that was secretly plotted all along. Messed with de-spirited emotions and strangled many souls with pain infested love. Drops of sweet poison constantly drip from seemingly honest lips, not much, but enough to devastate a life by uttering minuscule words and conversations... Thus is the poison you say to desire."
[17:10] NicoleA Stine continues to laugh as his attempts to scare her have no affect on her. She brushes off his jacket. Her voice becomes soft and calm "I have survived a long time in the city." she leans in again, pursing her lips a bit then speaks again "I fear no one not even an impotent being like yourself." she lifts her gaze to meet his and stares into his eyes. A grin begins to grow on her face and her fangs slowly begin to grow.
[17:15] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) shake his head, sighing. "It is not fear that I seek to instill in you vampire, it's truth. This body is not that of my own. I care nothing for it... I feel nothing from it... But I have met you through the eyes of this body, when another claimed it. And to try and place fear with in your un-beating heart would be pointless. But I hope that your wisdom guides you to make rational decisions..." Looking away, he brought his attention down towards the street before looking back over to her. "Then again, it seems the library is lacking in such true enlightenment and wisdom even in it's highest ranks as of recent... If with the claims of those who stand in it..."
[17:21] NicoleA Stine raises a brow "And what do you know of the Library?" she shakes her head as she refolds her arms "I should crush you where you stand." the look of disdain returns to her face. "Take your information and do with it what you want. Just tread lightly with whom you deal with. Rumors are you are not well liked by Drake." she smirks "....good luck"
[17:28] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) looks at her with a grin. As her disdain grew, his delight would take place. "What do I know of the library? What do you know of the people around you? This body of mine.... It belonged to Inspector...Well, we shared it for most of his life. After leaving the library he lost his means of being able to keep me at bay... So now I have risen to take his place..." Shaking his head again he let out a light scoff. "Rumors? Not quite something me nor Inspector dealt in. As for Drake, I care little for if he is given the information or not... Luck is not permitted, he should be watching himself with those who seek to harm him..."
[17:35] NicoleA Stine laughs and shakes her head "Drake and I have a special relationship. He's horny and he's attracted to me. Whatever you tell him I'll be able to convince him otherwise." she smirks then runs her hands up her torso to her breasts. She adjusts her breasts. She speaks softly "Its a gift." she folds her arms over her stomach and gestures her chin towards him "I can turn three houses against you. Believe me your existence in tox wont be pleasurable. So go peddle your information." she glares at him
[17:41] Inspector A (alijah.alcove) laughs, turning to make his departure. "Very well then. I see this little meeting of our will not be a beneficial one to either party."
[17:42] NicoleA Stine watches him walk away "That's what you think" she turns to walk off unless stopped
Monday, December 14, 2015
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