Main Characters: Raiden Drival and Nicolea Stine
Gist: Its a full moon and Nicole stumbles upon the Alpha
[19:35] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ stops right in front of the girl and growls at her, pads his paw across the ground and begins to snarl as the hairs on the back of his neck stand up
[19:37] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine watches the wolf approach her. She stands her ground and stares at him with her arms crossed over her stomach
[19:38] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ snaps his jaws at her trying to bite her if able as he steps closer, hair still raised up
[19:39] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine pulls back as he snaps at her, then quickly leans forward exposing her fangs and snaps back.
[19:40] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ growls baring his k- nines as he swings his paw at her attempting to knock her back if able, hairs still raised on the back of his neck as he continuously snaps his jaw at her attempting to try to bite her again
[19:43] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine takes a step back as he swipes at her. She lets out a low growl at him "grrr." she slides her hands behind her back reaching under her dress she grips her Uzis reading herself if he makes a move
[19:45] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ growls again as she stepped back padding his feet down onto the ground with a hard thud taunting and threatening her, roars out baring his teeth then snapping his jaws at her , as he raises up then growls down at her once more swinging his paws at her
[19:47] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine draws her weapons and points them at him. One at his head the other at his heart. The anger builds in her and she feels her fingers start to pull the triggers
[19:48] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine bares her fangs and lunges for the wolf trying to drive her fangs through his thick fur.
[19:48] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:48] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ sees the guns and begins swinging his paws at her, growling and roaring as he begins to jump around, circling her as he hunches down waiting to pounce her
[19:48] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine bombards the area
[19:48] DCS The Claw v2.0.0: Raiden Dirval prepares for a skilled attack.
[19:48] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine dominates Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine devastates Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS The Claw v2.0.0: Raiden Dirval prepares for a skilled attack.
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine smothers Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine lacerates Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine blinds Raiden Dirval
[19:49] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:50] DCS The Claw v2.0.0: Raiden Dirval prepares for a skilled attack.
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine mesmerises Raiden Dirval
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine delivers a crippling blow
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine bombards the area
[19:50] DCS The Claw v2.0.0: Raiden Dirval prepares for a skilled attack.
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine dominates Raiden Dirval
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine summons up strength
[19:50] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:51] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine feeds on Raiden Dirval
[19:51] DCS The Claw v2.0.0: Raiden Dirval prepares for a skilled attack.
[19:51] DCS 2.99.48: NicoleA Stine was defeated by Raiden Dirval!
[19:51] DCS 2.99.48: You have been killed by Raiden Dirval but they are too high level for you to lose xp. You do not lose xp.
[19:51] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine drops to the ground with a grown... her guns fall from her hand... she moans a bit
[19:53] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ hovers over top of the vampire as he leans his head down and sniffs over her body, gets close to her ear and gives a loud growl baring his k nines at her as his saliva drips off the end of his mouth, snorting down at her as he drags his paw right next to her body, then turns and wanders off
[19:53] DCS 2.99.48: Raiden Dirval heals all around
[19:53] DCS 2.99.48: Raiden Dirval heals NicoleA Stine over time
[19:54] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine lays on the ground and can feel the wolf's hot breath on her neck ... she lays still hoping he will leave her for dead and not drag her off to the den
[19:55] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ pads down the road looking back toward the vamp, snarling and growling a bit before finally turning and heading off down the road to the rest of the Pack
[19:56] Skye TalonSkye Talon rushes up to Nicole, but keeps her distance from the werewolf. "Nicole!"
[19:57] Skye TalonSkye Talon kneels down beside her and places a hand on her back. "Are you alright?"
[19:58] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine rolls over with a groan ... "Help me up she tries to push up from the ground
[19:58] Skye TalonSkye Talon grabs her arm and tugs a bit to assist her up. She keeps her hand wrapped around Nicole's arm for balance.
[20:00] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine gets to her feet and uses Skye to help balance. She takes her Uzis and tucks them into her little dress. She looks down and smooths out the bumps as she brushes off the dirt
[20:01] Skye TalonSkye Talon wraps her free arm around Nicole's waist. "You help me, I help you." She grinned at her shortly, then frowned again. "What happened?"
[20:01] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine gives Skye a reassuring smile "I'll be ok.." she goes to take a step and her one knee buckles but she is able to regain herself and not fall down.
[20:02] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine shrugs her shoulder "Its a lycan vampire thing" she waves her hand "Com'on lets head back to the library " she scans the area keep watch for other wolves
[20:02] Skye TalonSkye Talon nods and walks behind Nicole in case she falls.
[20:05] ЯдΪĐЄɲЯдΪĐЄɲ pads back over after taking down the vampire, looks to his packies and howls up into the sky, blood dripping from his mouth as he looked down at Calla and gives a friendly bark toward her, looks over at Vash and snarls at him, turns looking at SHinno and Netizen for a moment then his eyes veered back over toward Vash
[20:05] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine makes it back to the library, turning to Skye she offers her a smile "Thanks for shooing him away for me" she shakes her head "I don't know what I would have done if he dragged me off"
[20:06] Vash 'Vicious' GhostaltarVash 'Vicious' Ghostaltar flips open his book. Seeming very relaxed. He read. Flipping a page ever so often. Not paying much mind. To anything
[20:06] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine looks over and sees Sav "Oh hi Sav"
[20:06] Take it in the FACETake it in the FACE drifts by Vash going to knock the book out of his hands if able then moved closer to Nicole and Skye. "Evening ladies."
[20:06] Skye TalonSkye Talon smirked and rubbed her holsters. "No problem. I was thinking that I might have had to use these against something other than the squid monster for once." She smiled at Sav. "Hey, Savannah."
[20:08] Vash 'Vicious' GhostaltarVash 'Vicious' Ghostaltar grumbles. Then picks up his book. "Nice to see you too sav" Then goes back to reading.
[20:08] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine tugs her dress down as she wiggles a bit, "He is a strong one." she brings her hands up to fix her hair, running her fingers through it.
[20:09] Take it in the FACETake it in the FACE curled her finger up at Vash. "I told you I needed to talk to you..." As Shinno moved over she visibly tensed and she turned putting herself between Shinno and the other two hopefully. "Fuck this one bit me when I was a demon."
[20:10] Skye TalonSkye Talon sees a werewolf coming up behind Savannah, and she grabs the handles of her guns.
[20:11] Vash 'Vicious' GhostaltarVash 'Vicious' Ghostaltar pushes himself off the lamp post, "I am trying to enjoy the evenings entertainment" then sighs. Flipping another page in his book. Then walks to the library, " coming?"
Sunday, October 7, 2012
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