Nicole has now returned to Toxian City. As she walks down Invidia Lane of Toxian City, through the toxic haze of the city, the Kindred Alliance Head Quarters comes into view. Nicole nears the building she notices the banners hanging from the railing. It is no long The KA. Nicole turns the corner on to Gula Lane she sees a figure perched high on the roof top. As she nears the figure she seems to recognize the figure as Esso Brezoianu, looking a bit older and a bit wiser.
Nicole stops for a moment and reaches into her pocket takes out a large splinter of the stake used to kill her mentor Shamie. Nicole grips it tight, a tear rolls down her cheek. Nicole notices a young girl standing on the balcony of the Warehouse and decides to take a moment to chat.
The girl seems timid and afraid of Nicole.
NicoleA Stine senses..... looks up and sees Kat Dawg... looks to her right and sees the lycan and the vampire
NicoleA Stine: "hmmm"
NicoleA Stine pearches herself on the ledge.
NicoleA Stine sees Kat in the door way and looks over at the vamp and lycan "now that cant be good"
NicoleA Stine looks in the window and thinks back to her Kindred Alliance days with Sha and the emotions get the best of her and a tear runs down her cheek
Katalyna [Kat Dawg] blinks and looks over at Nicole "it never is good. nothing is ever good" she whispers
NicoleA Stine wipes the tear from her eye and snaps back and looks at Kat "whats never good?"
Katalyna [Kat Dawg] wraps her arms around her waist and looks at Nicole nervously "everything. someone or something always tries to break you. tear you down. and when they succeed you'll never be the same" she says softly while she closes her eyes shut trying to forget about the incident a few days before "it will never be the same" she steps back a bit
NicoleA Stine looks at KAt and raises an eyebrow "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, This use to be my home, I was betrayed by friends and family and I am stronger now for it
NicoleA Stine straights up and pushes her shoulders back
NicoleA Stine: "Life is impermanent and you must move"
Katalyna [Kat Dawg] blinks twice as she takes in what Nicole said "my family will never betray me" she softly says as she bows her head and looks at the ground "who betrayed you?"
NicoleA Stine: "The Kindred Alliance, Taurus that bastard"
NicoleA Stine: "Taurius Biedermann and if I find that bastard I will cut his nuts off"
Katalyna [Kat Dawg] jumps back a bit as she hears Sav's voice. she touches the cross on her armband and softly says "i uh, im at the warehouse"
NicoleA Stine can still smell that vampire and realizes she is somewhere in the area."
NicoleA Stine smiles at the girl "I am Nicole"
Katalyna [Kat Dawg] half smiles "im... im Katalyna" she says shyly
NicoleA Stine smiles "nice to meet you Katalyna"
NicoleA Stine looks at Savahhah and nods "hello"
Savannah Porterfield nods to the girl as she walks up behind Kat. "Morning."
Katalyna [Kat Dawg] forces a smile then bows her head at Sav and softly says "morning"
Savannah Porterfield looks between the two, taking a protective step toward Kat as she eyes the strange female. "Am I interuppting you two, or can I drag my sister away for a moment?"
NicoleA Stine looks in the window and sees the bar and thinks to herself "its a good thing I got Lyra's tail"
NicoleA Stine focuses back on Savahanna "No its fine ,
NicoleA Stine looks at Kat "Nice meeting you"
Nicole crouches down and matrix jumps across to the other building where she perches herself on the roof top. She crosses her legs and begins to levitate as she meditates and finds her inner calm.
Home again.
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