[2014/03/10 06:32] Darken (marwan.paine): /me smiles "Greetings Nicole"
[2014/03/10 06:33] NicoleA Stine: /me walks over to Darken, she smiles and reaches out to touch his arm "Hello Darken"
[2014/03/10 06:34] Darken (marwan.paine): /me smiles " how are you doing beautiful Sister?"
[2014/03/10 06:36] NicoleA Stine: /me smiles some more "I oh am very well thank you." she tilts her head to one side and frowns a bit. "I received some very disturbing information about the Kindred" she shakes her head a bit and folds her arms over her stomach
[2014/03/10 06:37] Darken (marwan.paine): /me raise an eyebrow when he hears her statement " what kind of disturbing information exactly?he ask wondering what kind of information she has
[2014/03/10 06:40] NicoleA Stine: /me lifts a hand and flicks her wrist as she speaks, shifting her weight to her other foot "Well I over heard a conversation last night. I'm not really sure their names but I am certain they are Drake's people from the pit" she drops her hand down to fold her arms "Seems the shadows are blaming the Kindred for letting the Pack run wild." she shrugs a shoulder "Seems they feel it is Kindred's place to keep the pack under control." she leans in close and lowers her voice to almost a whisper "They think Kindred is weak" she leans back and nods her head a bit to add some dramatics to her story
[2014/03/10 06:47] Darken (marwan.paine): /me listen with interest to every word Nicole has to say while he fold his own arms before his chest while his face betray not certain emotions till she finish before a grins is born on his face and answers her with calm voice " do they know?" he shakes his head as he adds " The Pack running wild or not is not the Kindred Job to keep " he smirks a bit " neither do we care what others may think or not of what our Status is for we are the only one Making our Place and fate and we certainly won't be standing through the ages if we followed what others says " he winks to her as he then leans to whispers back to her " you of all people Dear Nicole know that because you were Part of us one day .. and even if such times didn't end well with you , it doesn't change the fact the you do know the Kindred were never Weak nor we shall be pawn in the hands of others to hit other factions or people , we have our own Agenda and I believe if the shadows see the Pack "running wild" as they say then by all means let them
[2014/03/10 06:53] NicoleA Stine: /me shrugs a shoulder "True I was once a part of the Kindred, however I was exiled because of my....." she rolls her eyes up and to the left as she lifts a hand and waves it in the air ".....my fighting spirit." she drops her hand down. "Far be it for me to cause any trouble between factions" she lifts a hand and studies her nails "If I want damage done to a faction I am more than capable of doing it myself" she drops her hand and brings her attention back to Dark. "I just thought I would pass on the information I obtained while snooping around the city." she smiles "Consider the information a gift, free of charge." she smiles and takes a step back
[2014/03/10 06:57] Darken (marwan.paine): /me let out tsk tsk sound " ohh Nicole , I never meant that you are trying to cause troubles between factions , I meant those who said what you heard " he then let a very warm smile come to his lips " I am more than appreciate your help and gifts as always because you do know how much I cherish you as not only Avery good friend but as a sister I shared family with " he then would take step closer and attempt to put a hand over her shoulder and the other to caress her face if allowed and says with same warm smile " you knew already and we talked about how much it saddened me to come back and see you no longer part of my family and I think it was really bad call from the people charge back then hence I always disregard such bad decision and consider you and call you as my Sister"
[2014/03/10 07:03] NicoleA Stine: /me shifts her eyes to look at his hand on her shoulder, then flinches a bit as he touches her face but she does not stop him. She brings her gaze back to him "What is in the past is in the past an there is nothing any of us can do to change the past decisions of Kindred hierarchy." she pauses for a moment "I do feel it would be in the Kindred's best interest if you passed on this information." she would take a step back "Now if you would excuse me I have some books that need my attention" she would smile at him
[2014/03/10 07:05] Darken (marwan.paine): /me smiles and nods " true the past can't change but the futuer can " he would then bow slightly " I will indeed and the pleasure - as always- is Mine Dear Nicole"
[2014/03/10 07:06] NicoleA Stine: /me would turn and walk off disappearing into the shadows of the city
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Drake Fake Rapes Nicole. Nicole Makes Deal with Mirage (long RP)
[2014/02/26 12:46] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me floats behind nicolea and reaches a hand out to her shoulder" hello nicolea, how is the day treating you" drake his eyes were empty and white ,glowing , he leans in" no need to turn around, i would keep looking forwards if i was you"
[2014/02/26 12:48] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me smiles calm as nicolea does turn around" and here i asked so nicely, what a pity" drake his gloved hand came up slow as his eyes widened " no one listens these days"
[2014/02/26 12:48] NicoleA Stine: /me takes a step and turns. She folds her arms and narrows her sight "I don't trust my back to you" she reaches out and points a finger at him "Did you return the book you borrowed?" she brings her arm back and folds it over the other one
[2014/02/26 12:50] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me has a thin smile play on his lips" i did, i placed it right back on the shelf" he raises his hand up and a glow spread further from his eyes as a long tendril tried to pierce through her shoulder, moving out the palm of his hand at astounding speed"
[2014/02/26 12:50] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me raises his hand and a long tentacle sprouts out , searching for a target
[2014/02/26 12:52] NicoleA Stine: /me still has her hands folded "Good...." she feels a sharp pain as his tendril pierces her shoulder. She lets out a low growl... and grabs hold of it. She fights to get it out of her shoulder.
[2014/02/26 12:54] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me twists his hand and the tendril folds open in dozens of smaller tendrils, making it wider and harder to pull out as they were holding back now, drake tried to pull nicolea in," why do people always disobey, i was asking polite, people don't appreciate a nice gesture anymore"
[2014/02/26 12:58] NicoleA Stine: /me raises her free hand and holds it against his chest trying to keep him from pulling her in. She bares her fangs and opens wide in a defensive manner as she lets out a hiss. "Release me Drake or it will be open season on your people." with both hands occupied she is unable to reach for her coms
[2014/02/26 13:03] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me his white eyes gaze over nicolea her body and a glimmer of ice cold glare flashes over his features, then a mild smile a the tendrils move sideways where they come out of nicolea her shoulder at the back, trying to fold around her and wrap her body up tight, one string of tendrils trying to wrap around her mouth to keep her silent" no, it will not, i have plans, they did not involve you but now they do, rejoice...for very bad things are about to happen"
[2014/02/26 13:09] NicoleA Stine: /me feels the tendrils begin to wrap around her. She reaches into her coat and grasp tightly a small dagger. She pulls the dagger and tries to slice through the many tendrils before he completely wraps her up. She tries to bit the tendrils as he attempts to cover her mouth
[2014/02/26 13:13] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me floats up, the tendrils had no nerve endings so he did not feel pain, several ends of tendrils fell to the floor as they were cut off, dissolving into thin air with a foul green smoke, the remaining tendrils still tried to wrap around nicolea her body tight, the squirming of all of them through nicolea her shoulder might cause her pain, so the tendrils that tried to wrap around her mouth was to keep her silent , drake tried to float back and drag nicolea with him
[2014/02/26 13:18] NicoleA Stine: /me drops her dagger and continues to bite through the tendrils with her sharp fangs. She continues to squirm trying to break his grip of her. As she bites through she lets out a growl loud enough to echo through out the city "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you..."
[2014/02/26 13:19] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me tries to lift nicolea up and carry her with him" no you will not, fucking or otherwise, " drake saw nicolea gnaw halfway through several tendrils and tried to wrap tighter to keep her jaw shut" so much i have planned, you be the start"
[2014/02/26 13:22] NicoleA Stine: /me gets pulled a few feet as her shoes slide along the pavement. She digs her heels in and tries to pull back as his tendrils get tighter and tight. Her head flails about attempting to prevent the tendrils from wrapping around her mouth. "If I get out of this alive I am going to kill you and each and everyone of your shadow minions" she continues to struggle
[2014/02/26 13:25] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me tries to lift nicolea up fully of the floor by the tendrils through her shoulder, turning around and trying to carry her off with him" proud words but you will not, you will not even know them anymore" drake his smile was calm, blissful even, this drake was calm on a whole other scale of evil, the kind who would smile while breaking every bone in your body
[2014/02/26 13:28] NicoleA Stine: /me feels the weight of her body lift from the ground. She begins to kick her feet and flail about. "Let me go or, I promise you I will destroy you and your entire clan... you don't want to fuck with the library."
[2014/02/26 13:30] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): nice choice of words...you have no idea" drake turns and floats off, one tendril reaching out to pick up nicolea her knife and take it with them , drake floating at high speed through the city while not leaving a single trace of his presence,it was not that he tried to leave no trail, it was like it was a void , like he was never been there at all
[2014/02/26 13:30] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me lowers his hand and the tentacle retracts into his handpalm again like it was never there
[2014/02/26 13:32] NicoleA Stine: /me continues to struggle as she is pulled along
[2014/02/26 13:47] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me floats to the underground dungeon and with his tendrils reaches out to the chains on one of the racks, trying to bind nicolea on it , his white eyes gazing calm on her, a thin smile playing on his lips, he raises a hand and draws a symbol in the air, trying to force nicolea her mouth shut with a power
[2014/02/26 13:50] NicoleA Stine: /me struggles to prevent Drake from putting her in chains. She kicks, swipes and bites at all the tendrils. She feels the cuffs lock around her wrists and ankles. She lets out a growl "Last chance to save yourself and your minions..." her growl echoes through the sewers "Let. Me. Go.!"
[2014/02/26 13:53] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me tilts his head slightly to the left and mutters a string of syllables, trying a stronger spell to shut nicolea her mouth shut, he then shakes his head" no, you have been given a great honor, you will be a key point in the future actions that will happen" drake retracts the tendrls once they are tightly locked around nicolea her wrists and ankles
[2014/02/26 13:56] NicoleA Stine: /me feels her lips seal tightly. She mumbles trying to speak. She pulls at the chains trying to break her binds. She stops for a moment and stares at Drake with a cold hateful narrowed gaze for a moment then begins to struggle against her binds
[2014/02/26 14:01] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me reaches out to try touch nicolea her face" i will have you sleep through this, it will make my work easier and you will wake up back in the library," drake attempts to draw the energy out of nicolea to make her fall unconscious, he just keeps smiling calm, humming a melody to himself
[2014/02/26 14:09] NicoleA Stine: /me struggles against his touch by flailing her head back and forth. She feels over whelmed and her body is drained of all energy> She become limp and unconscious.
[2014/02/26 14:16] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me looks over nicolea her body and takes her dagger in his hand, he rubs his chin and very lightly puts the blade on top of her dress above her left breast, trying to cut through the fabric to make her left breast hang out but not damage the skin underneat, trying to make it look like it was torn apart
[2014/02/26 14:19] NicoleA Stine: /me 's breast falls out
[2014/02/26 14:23] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me flexes his fingers and gets working, he tries to cut the dress open above her crotch and cut through her underwear without cutting the skin, making the dress look like it was torn of her, he takes a vial out of his pocket which holds sperm from a righteous member , he tries to pour some over nicolea her breast and dress, then pour some on her crotch , all the while humming, he tried to pour the last over nicolea her face, he puts the vial away and lays both hands on nicolea her head, trying to wipe her mind fully of the last two hours, using a tremendous amount of energy to wipe every trace of his own presence out of her mind
[2014/02/26 14:25] NicoleA Stine: /me loses bits a pieces of the event from her memory. She continues to hang lifeless
[2014/02/26 14:28] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me reaches in his pocket and takes out angel feathers , putting some on nicolea her body and sliding some into her clothes, he undoes the shackles on her wrists and ankles, focusing his force on keeping her suspended in the air, he then humms as he takes her back to the library where he leaves her on the middle of the floor
[2014/02/26 14:33] NicoleA Stine: /me lays on the floor of the library and begins to wake. She pushes herself up a bit then looks down at her torn clothes. She quickly pulls her dress covering her exposed body. She sits on the floor and looks around. "Whaa... what happened?" she wipes herself with her coat and finds an angel feather. Her memory is foggy and she cant remember what happened
Mirage strolls into the library carrying the books she borrowed 5 days ago. She stopped in the middle of the downstairs room and gives a glance around.. with a clear of her throat she calls out " Anyone home"
Mirage taps her foot awaiting a few minutes, when no answer came she let out a soft breathe and decided to wait.. patiently... was better then turning into a cockroach in 2 days time without the books returned. She pulls a seat out and sits down crossing her ankles she flips open the books and begins to reread them while waiting
Mirage hears footsteps looking up from the book opened on her lap she slowly shuts it and stands up " I'm here to return these.. don't feel like being a cockroach in a few days.." she murmurs walking up to the table to set the two books given 5 days ago to borrow
NicoleA Stine steps into the library and spots Mirage sitting. She stops folds her arms and offers a nod of her head "Hello there" she speaks in a soft tone. She steps closer to the table and looks at the books the to the woman "I hope you found them helpful"
Mirage " Mmm.." her greeting was mild and cut off in its hum to ask a more important question. with a slight look around her ears not picking up on anyone else in the building " Sorta.. kinda.. not really.. I need something like a cook book with herbs and spices... if you happen to have it "
NicoleA Stine tilts her head to one side "A cook book? I'm sorry I don't seem to understand, could you be more specific?"
Mirage taps her fingernails on the table top " like... a book that would define herbs and such for cooking... I'm making a personal remedy and I'm not quite sure what spices would be best in my dish... " she grins
NicoleA Stine lifts a hand to her chin. She taps her long bony finger against her lips "Hmm let me think...." she drops a hand and points to the shelf next to her as she walks closer to the book. "Perhaps this may help you" she drops her hand from her chin and lays her finger on the spine of the book sliding it from its spot. "Herb-ology... you should find it useful"
[20:09] MirageMirage smile becomes wider " This is right up my alley " she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a handful of green gems, holding them out for the trade " No sack to put them in but they should come to use.. truth stones.. occupant holds one.. should they lie the stone turns bright red " she explains
[20:11] NicoleA Stine holds her hand out and accepts the stones. She closes her hand tightly around the stone and hands the book to Mirage "The book is due back in two weeks" she smiles
[20:13] MirageMirage takes the book looking over the cover with a brush of her other palm " No worries.. I'll have it back in no time.. " she pauses in thought holding the book down at her side " What would it take to get a book that was...protected here? If perhaps I was observed in my process would I be able to study the pages?"
NicoleA Stine clutches the stones "Payment is needed. Payment in the form of goods or information. The more sensitive the material the higher the price. You may study the book in the library there is no issue about that. Of course I would need to verify with my boss." she folds her arms over her stomach "What type of information are you interested in?"
Mirage nods a little knowing the 'boss' would be over protective of the knowledge she sought because of her past and her blood but she was determined " Basic college level Chemistry. " she stops talking to reach in her pocket and rustles around in her pocket until she located one last green gem she pulls it out of her pocket and holds it between her thumb and index finger " I need it for myself, I intend to bring no harm to anyone else but Me " the green gem remained the same " I'm a mermaid " she added and the gem clouded over going from brilliant green to a deep red allowing mirage to prove its value
Andrussa just fucking appears. Magic and shit, you see. Don't question it!
NicoleA Stine watches as she toys with the stone in her hand then as the stone turns red with the obvious lie. "I see.... hmm perhaps we could make a deal. " Nicole looks around the library for a moment then brings her attention back to Mirage "Perhaps we could work out something. But the book would have to stay here."
Mirage " I could handle that. An audience doesn't bother me.. I just need the information " as she speaks truth the stone returns back to green she slides it back into her pocket then smiles with the progress this go around " I have no idea what type of payment this faction considers valuable.. but I am crafty at retrieving... so perhaps if you're willing to help me why don't you tell me something this house may require... so both ends are satisfied in the transaction."
NicoleA Stine turns noticing Russ just fucking appear "Russ, a moment if you would please?"
[20:28] Andrussaturns about, and pads over, nodding once to the white haired woman she finds familiar, then looks to Nicole, "Of c-course of course."
NicoleA Stine extends a hand towards Mirage "This fine young women would like to make a deal with our library." she brings her arm back to fold over her stomach "Seems she would like to view a restricted book and is willing to pay. Is there anything in particular we need?"
Mirage remembers Andrussa from last week when she visited. Mirage gives her a wink and waits for the verdict
Andrussa nods once, and looks to the woman again, catching the wink, and cants her head slightly, "Wh-what is it you're after this time?"
Mirage "The same thing I was after the last time I came... and since the survival guides did little for the information I seek If been considering what it would take to skip down that restricted isle..." she blinks "Chemistry.. and I assure you.. its not for bombs.. or anything stupid. " places a hand to her chest " mawh only... "
NicoleA Stine leans over to Russ and in a low whisper she speaks "I can slice it off of her if you like ." she grins then leans back and smiles at Mirage "Just kidding. But seriously I need to know something and perhaps you could help"
[20:38] Mirage: wonders if she knew mirage from the past she didn't recall it coming up she was demon.. unless someone else told her. Mirage tried to not let herself be annoyed winced a little to the idea knowing it would take a lot of energy to regrow body parts. "Information huh.. That might be easier then letting you cut off my arm." she blinks then nods to Nicole interested in the intel she seeks
NicoleA Stine looks over at Russ for a moment then back to Mirage. "A rape occurred in the dungeon under the hotel." Nicole produces a feather "This feather was found at the scene. Would you be able to track down its owner?"
[20:42] AndrussaAndrussa grins at Nicole, and wider at Mirage, "We look into our guests." She just leaves it at that, and lets Nicole go about her wheeling and dealing.
Mirage reached out to take the feather twirling it between her fingers as she looked at it " Hmmm " she ran it under her nose to catch the scent "Might take me a few days but I probably could track down the owner "
NicoleA Stine smiles "If you find the owner of the feather I will give you access to the book." she pauses "For as long as you like"
[20:45] AndrussaAndrussa nods a few times, seeming to approve on the exchange.
Mirage extends her arm to return the feather, the scent was memorized " Deal " grins wide and takes a little bow " until then ladies " she comments then turns on her toes and heads for the exit to begin her search unless stopped
NicoleA Stine takes the feather "Just the name of it's owner... I'll take care of the rest"
Andrussa grins, and raises a hand to the exiting woman, "Happy hunting."
Mirage " No problem... " she inwardly snickered to the thought of revenge and continued her exit to find the feathers origination
NicoleA Stine smiles "Good luck"
Andrussa cants her head slightly, "What's th-the deal with the feather?"
NicoleA Stine turns away from Russ and grabs the books off of the the table to re-shelve them. She seems distant "Oh nothing... Just need the information for a friend" Nicole returns the books to the shelf then turns around and looks at Russ and tries to smile
Andrussa shrugs, seeming to take that pretty much for what it is, "W-well, say something if y-you've need of anything else, yeah? Don't always have t-to lone-wolf it, yeah?" She looks over towards the mumbling Faith, and cants her head curiously.
NicoleA Stine opens her hand and extends it towards Russ. Green stones shimmer in the palm of her hand "Take one.." she gestures her chin "They are truth gems. The woman gave them to me" smirks a bit "You want the only vampire in the house NOT to be a loner..." she shrugs "Its what I am." she gestures again "Go ahead take one"
Faith raises her arms above her head, interlacing her fingers and cracking her knuckles with an arch of her spine. Her attention turns at the sound of voices, drawing a bend of her body to peer through the impeding bookcase. The revealed sight pulling a smile across her features as she set forward and moves to join the two. "Truth gems sound like a rather dangerous thing to go handling in a place like this~"
Andrussa raises her brow slightly at Nicole's offering, and her words, which bring a bit of a frown, and she does as instructed, taking one of the stones and holding it up to her face to inspect it. She glances toward Faith with a somewhat mixed expression, making it hard to tell just what she means with it.
NicoleA Stine shrugs "I am not a fan of magical stuff. I have no need for them." she holds her hand out to Faith "Would you like one?"
Faith chuckles some, shaking her head even as she eyes the stones. "I'll pass, hun. I'm horribly wary about handling magical artifacts, they're nothing but trouble~" She turns her attention over to Russ, catching sight of the odd expression and only raising a slender brow in return to it. "Is this one of those 'we need to talk' looks~?"
Andrussa shakes her head, then nods, then shrugs, and puts the stone into one of the pouches on her belt, "Th-thank you, Nicole. I'm sure I'll f-find some use for it. Never know, yeah?"'
NicoleA Stine closes her hand clutching the stones "Perhaps I will trade them away." looks at Russ "I'll leave you two to talk" she smiles and turns to walk out "Good evening" and walks out unless stopped
Faith blinks a few times, glancing back over to Nicole as she begins to walk away. "No need to leave, hun. I don't think ... I'm probably interrupting something anyway~"
Andrussa raises her hand to offer a wave to Nicole, "Evening, N-Nicole. Happy hunting." She looks to Faith, "She's g-got the scent of s-something. And I'm n-not going to interrupt a vampire on a m-mission, yeah?"
NicoleA Stine walks out into the night air and slips into the shadows of the city
-----to the church to interrogate angel knowledge...----
Mirage heads up the church steps, more so bounces, skips or gleefully steps up to the opening, her fist pounds the door while passing through to enter inside " Hey you...." she greets with that dark mischievous grin "Since you were soooo helpful the last time I visited... Maybe you can assist me again?" she asks batting her eyes while approaching
[20:41] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire 's head turned to the entrance once it was pounded. His brow perked up at Mirage returning to the Church, "Hmm...Evening again Miss.." he folded an arm across his chest while rubbing his chin pondering if helping a Demon again was a good idea, "I hope it doesn't involve blood for me to cleanse. Was is it?"
[20:44] MirageMirage chuckles "No... No.. sorry.. maybe another time you can torture me.. I drank some holy water burned a hole through my stomach and let those little bastards fall out... Not sure if i got em all but gotta take recovery time from all that shit " she winks then opens her coat to pull an angel feather from her breast pocket to hold out to him, she paused a foot or two in front of him " Would you happen to know if this belongs to one of your kin?" she asks
[20:59] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire up nodded feeling his stomach churn after hearing what she had to do to clean herself while noting her resilience even against damaging her own body. He then commented, "You may have to be careful with the Holy Water you imbibe that's left here in the Church out in the open." he gestures to the baptismal pool, "That pool there containing Holy Water has been soiled and tainted by people who disrespect this place and thinks the pool is something they can use to wash off squid slime post battle...So, know that it's not just Holy Water if you or others believe they can get there hands on" he then looked back to her then to the feather she held in her hand, "An Angel feather? Hmm, Those things don't just fall off like some molting chicken. Whoever got their hands on that probably had to put up a fight." he pondered out loud again, "...Could be Pilgrims...or even Brother Eliazaars..." he frowned, "Are you sure that may belong to one of our members?"
[21:03] MirageMirage "Hmmm.. No wonder it had a funky taste" she slowly smacked her lips together as the thought passed her mind her lip curled in disgust, she shook her head of the idea since what was done.. was done. She slide the feather back into the breast pocket of her coat " I have no idea whom it belongs to.." taps the side of her nose " This ain't what it use to be... and I'm not a fucking blood hound.. But i can tell its angelic.. figured id start here.. purest place of the city right?" rises her eye brows twice before relaxing her expression. she noted the names he gave and decided to take a sniff around
[21:12] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire took her word for it about the feather, "I see. So are you willing to relinquish it or were you just curious if it may belong to someone here?" he tilted his head, "I'm actually surprised and somewhat impressed that you're brave enough to enter the Church despite the history the Righteous had with Demons. Believe me when I say that we're on alert near the presence of your kind, but it is only because the majority of their actions usually disturbs our cause....If they were more co-operative" he gestured to her passively with a point of his pink towards her, "...We'd probably have more as allies instead of burdens"
Mirage "Mmmm Have you ever been to Hell? Theres not much left to fear once you've experienced true torment and fear....." she murmurs " The only unpleasentry to visiting is the burning my body undergoes while standing here for a mild chat " she blinks as the soft smoke rises from her body she rises an arm and jesters to the light grey smoke rising , she had an annoying expression towards it, her arms then cross to ignore it a little longer " If all demons were cooperative then they wouldn't really be evil now would they ?" she perked a brow at him allowing him to think about that idea " Earth must be balanced, where there is good there is evil, there can not be existence without the two.. its just nature.." she murmurs "But me... and our past is why I come. I don't come to start trouble, where would that get me? If I play nice maybe the opponent will too... that's how i like to see it..." she grins " Besides I'm not part of any faction.. just free roaming.. what harm could i possibly be?" she bats her eyes
Ignis Darkfire tried to stick his hands in his pockets for a moment but his hands weren't able to reach their destination and instead only hid his thumbs in them, "I have not been to hell, that much is certain, but I have lived a good portion of my in a purgatory that I've created for myself due to my own selfish reason....'self righteous suicide'...some would say...but suicide was suicide and I was cursed to feed on the emotions and life force of those around me...Only the Righteous were able to free me from that limbo while using a powerful Demon...Dominic.." he shrugged, "Still, if that was only my purgatory, I can't imagine what hell's like...nor would I ever, for my soul will be bound to this sword that I hold. Simply the fate of me and my clan that we've accepted" he sighed, "Furthermore, the Righteous accepts the fact that evil will be a constant in this city, and in this world. We accept that Vampires and Werewolves need to hunt to feed, that magic can be costly, and that there will be Darkness where ever
[21:32] Ignis Darkfire: Light shines. We just simply strive to keep order, so that this place, shit hole or not...can still be home to some citizens"
[21:35] MirageMirage she listens to him then gives a bit of a nod "Mmmmhmmm... Well Definitely glad it worked out for ya.. and so long as demons continue to be a burden you guys will always have a job, am I right?" she grins wide before taking a few steps back, the lil grey smoke rising from her body turned into a deep dark black, even the blood from her boiling skin began to seep through her shirt " I must be on my way now.. thanks for the input " she winks and spins on her heels shoving her hands in her pocket while heading to exit
[21:38] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire understood from the smoke trailing her that she need to go. He calls out after her, "Let me know if you find out who that Feather belongs to...might need the Righteous to investigate the case" he simply nodded a farewell to her
[21:39] MirageMirage she pauses by the door and shakes her head " I'm not normally kind... but id really pretend you knew nothing of this... might end up wrapping yourself in affairs you didn't want to be part of " she winks again, faces forward to carefully step past the others without a word to exit the church
That lead absolutely No where......
A week Later
[20:06] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine walks over to Mirage and folds her arms, she scans the area for a moment then brings her attention to Mirage "So how goes it?"
[20:08] MirageMirage rises her chin opening her silver hues "Hm?" she comments as if coming out of space. She blinks a few times then smiles at Nicole " Ohhh.. the hunt " she reaches her arms above her head and stretches "Mmmmmmm.... " she moans stretching out her back before her hands drop down to her side she smacks her lips intentionally taking an annoying amount of time to answer " yea.. we should probably go someplace a little more secluded to talk about that... " she breathes out in murmur
[20:09] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine turns and scans the area again "Um sure. follow me." She continues to look around before stepping off.
[20:13] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine stops turns around "So how is this progressing? Any leads?"
[20:15] MirageMirage gives a nod of approval, she didn't know if anyone was really around the haven but with it having the most traffic75% of the time she didn't want to take any chances. She tots along following a few feet until they reach a secluded destination.. Mirage opens her coat and pulls out the feather, running it under her nose inhaling deeply, her eyes close mocking the idea of taking a big whiff, her tongue wraps around the soft tendrils of the feather, lapping at it before it completes its run under her nose "Mmmm Okay..I'm No bloodhound " she comments "with that said I did some sniffing around the area in which you say this was found.. along with a few other... places.. " her words drift a bit as she waves a hand in explanation "The scents are very faint.. but from what i came up with.. no angel was involved in this..." she twirls the feather in her hand " the feather scents.. even semen lingers in that basement this took place... but no body heat... no sexual adrenaline.. No sweat.. there is no fuel excrete...
[20:15] Mirage: for the work that's claimed to hand happened..." she clears her throat " I think you're being set up to believe that an angel is to blame.. "
[20:19] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine raises a brow as she listens to her words. She would look off in the distance thinking and mumbling "Its all a blur... " she turns back to Mirage "as if my memory was erased. A gap in time..." she reaches into her waist band and produces a vial with a tiny amount of fluid. She holds it up between her thumb and index finger "Here.." she offers it to Mirage "Perhaps this will help you.... It is semen, found on the victim's clothes."
[20:23] MirageMirage shakes her head and her hand at the offer, placing the feather back into her coat pocket " That wont matter.. It could have been collected and *placed*' she explains " If your memory is a blur then you only have guesses here " she coos " but from what i can sense.. dark magic.. ..possibly demon affiliated .." rolls her hand in a circle " possibly a recent enemy?... is to blame "
[20:29] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine slides the vial back into her waist band. "Hmm dark magic you say? I hate magic" she folds her arms then shrugs a shoulder "I am sure I have a lot of enemies, one doesn't survive as this long in this city with out picking up a few along the way." she shakes her head. "Well there was this one time... " she pauses for a moment and lifts her hand to her chin "But I don't what his motive would be." she points her finger "Drake was in the library few days before..." she shrugs a shoulder
[20:33] MirageMirage nods a few times before closing her eyes as she hums then speaks "I wouldn't put it past a shadow to be behind this... " she comments opening her hues " it's something they would do.. hell.. something I might do.. just played out a little better. " she folds her arms "But I wouldn't put it past anyone with a vengeance.. this city carries a lot of anger and wrath " she grins looking at the vampiress " None the less the culprit doesn't seem to exist so to get that book looked at I'm gonna need to pay for it with an arm hm?"
[20:36] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine shakes her head "No, you can keep your arm. You've pointed me in the right direction. I know more now then I did a week ago."
[20:37] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine nods her head "I will consider you paid in full and will offer a viewing of the book"
[20:38] MirageMirage "Goodie.." she smirks a bit folding her arms over her stomach "I'm going to be a week or two before i come for the logic.. I have some other things to take care of firstly.. " she comments
[20:38] MirageMirage "Goodie.." she smirks a bit folding her arms over her stomach "I'm going to be a week or two before i come for the logic.. I have some other things to take care of firstly.. " she comments
[20:40] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine nods her head "No problem just come and find me when you are ready." she grins
[20:41] MirageMirage nods to her "Best of luck with your revenge.. " she grins at her turning away to trail off down the road
[20:42] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine nods "Thanks " and steps off towards the library
End of Mission
[2014/02/26 12:48] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me smiles calm as nicolea does turn around" and here i asked so nicely, what a pity" drake his gloved hand came up slow as his eyes widened " no one listens these days"
[2014/02/26 12:48] NicoleA Stine: /me takes a step and turns. She folds her arms and narrows her sight "I don't trust my back to you" she reaches out and points a finger at him "Did you return the book you borrowed?" she brings her arm back and folds it over the other one
[2014/02/26 12:50] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me has a thin smile play on his lips" i did, i placed it right back on the shelf" he raises his hand up and a glow spread further from his eyes as a long tendril tried to pierce through her shoulder, moving out the palm of his hand at astounding speed"
[2014/02/26 12:50] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me raises his hand and a long tentacle sprouts out , searching for a target
[2014/02/26 12:52] NicoleA Stine: /me still has her hands folded "Good...." she feels a sharp pain as his tendril pierces her shoulder. She lets out a low growl... and grabs hold of it. She fights to get it out of her shoulder.
[2014/02/26 12:54] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me twists his hand and the tendril folds open in dozens of smaller tendrils, making it wider and harder to pull out as they were holding back now, drake tried to pull nicolea in," why do people always disobey, i was asking polite, people don't appreciate a nice gesture anymore"
[2014/02/26 12:58] NicoleA Stine: /me raises her free hand and holds it against his chest trying to keep him from pulling her in. She bares her fangs and opens wide in a defensive manner as she lets out a hiss. "Release me Drake or it will be open season on your people." with both hands occupied she is unable to reach for her coms
[2014/02/26 13:03] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me his white eyes gaze over nicolea her body and a glimmer of ice cold glare flashes over his features, then a mild smile a the tendrils move sideways where they come out of nicolea her shoulder at the back, trying to fold around her and wrap her body up tight, one string of tendrils trying to wrap around her mouth to keep her silent" no, it will not, i have plans, they did not involve you but now they do, rejoice...for very bad things are about to happen"
[2014/02/26 13:09] NicoleA Stine: /me feels the tendrils begin to wrap around her. She reaches into her coat and grasp tightly a small dagger. She pulls the dagger and tries to slice through the many tendrils before he completely wraps her up. She tries to bit the tendrils as he attempts to cover her mouth
[2014/02/26 13:13] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me floats up, the tendrils had no nerve endings so he did not feel pain, several ends of tendrils fell to the floor as they were cut off, dissolving into thin air with a foul green smoke, the remaining tendrils still tried to wrap around nicolea her body tight, the squirming of all of them through nicolea her shoulder might cause her pain, so the tendrils that tried to wrap around her mouth was to keep her silent , drake tried to float back and drag nicolea with him
[2014/02/26 13:18] NicoleA Stine: /me drops her dagger and continues to bite through the tendrils with her sharp fangs. She continues to squirm trying to break his grip of her. As she bites through she lets out a growl loud enough to echo through out the city "I'm gonna fuckin' kill you..."
[2014/02/26 13:19] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me tries to lift nicolea up and carry her with him" no you will not, fucking or otherwise, " drake saw nicolea gnaw halfway through several tendrils and tried to wrap tighter to keep her jaw shut" so much i have planned, you be the start"
[2014/02/26 13:22] NicoleA Stine: /me gets pulled a few feet as her shoes slide along the pavement. She digs her heels in and tries to pull back as his tendrils get tighter and tight. Her head flails about attempting to prevent the tendrils from wrapping around her mouth. "If I get out of this alive I am going to kill you and each and everyone of your shadow minions" she continues to struggle
[2014/02/26 13:25] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me tries to lift nicolea up fully of the floor by the tendrils through her shoulder, turning around and trying to carry her off with him" proud words but you will not, you will not even know them anymore" drake his smile was calm, blissful even, this drake was calm on a whole other scale of evil, the kind who would smile while breaking every bone in your body
[2014/02/26 13:28] NicoleA Stine: /me feels the weight of her body lift from the ground. She begins to kick her feet and flail about. "Let me go or, I promise you I will destroy you and your entire clan... you don't want to fuck with the library."
[2014/02/26 13:30] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): nice choice of words...you have no idea" drake turns and floats off, one tendril reaching out to pick up nicolea her knife and take it with them , drake floating at high speed through the city while not leaving a single trace of his presence,it was not that he tried to leave no trail, it was like it was a void , like he was never been there at all
[2014/02/26 13:30] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me lowers his hand and the tentacle retracts into his handpalm again like it was never there
[2014/02/26 13:32] NicoleA Stine: /me continues to struggle as she is pulled along
[2014/02/26 13:47] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me floats to the underground dungeon and with his tendrils reaches out to the chains on one of the racks, trying to bind nicolea on it , his white eyes gazing calm on her, a thin smile playing on his lips, he raises a hand and draws a symbol in the air, trying to force nicolea her mouth shut with a power
[2014/02/26 13:50] NicoleA Stine: /me struggles to prevent Drake from putting her in chains. She kicks, swipes and bites at all the tendrils. She feels the cuffs lock around her wrists and ankles. She lets out a growl "Last chance to save yourself and your minions..." her growl echoes through the sewers "Let. Me. Go.!"
[2014/02/26 13:53] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me tilts his head slightly to the left and mutters a string of syllables, trying a stronger spell to shut nicolea her mouth shut, he then shakes his head" no, you have been given a great honor, you will be a key point in the future actions that will happen" drake retracts the tendrls once they are tightly locked around nicolea her wrists and ankles
[2014/02/26 13:56] NicoleA Stine: /me feels her lips seal tightly. She mumbles trying to speak. She pulls at the chains trying to break her binds. She stops for a moment and stares at Drake with a cold hateful narrowed gaze for a moment then begins to struggle against her binds
[2014/02/26 14:01] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me reaches out to try touch nicolea her face" i will have you sleep through this, it will make my work easier and you will wake up back in the library," drake attempts to draw the energy out of nicolea to make her fall unconscious, he just keeps smiling calm, humming a melody to himself
[2014/02/26 14:09] NicoleA Stine: /me struggles against his touch by flailing her head back and forth. She feels over whelmed and her body is drained of all energy> She become limp and unconscious.
[2014/02/26 14:16] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me looks over nicolea her body and takes her dagger in his hand, he rubs his chin and very lightly puts the blade on top of her dress above her left breast, trying to cut through the fabric to make her left breast hang out but not damage the skin underneat, trying to make it look like it was torn apart
[2014/02/26 14:19] NicoleA Stine: /me 's breast falls out
[2014/02/26 14:23] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me flexes his fingers and gets working, he tries to cut the dress open above her crotch and cut through her underwear without cutting the skin, making the dress look like it was torn of her, he takes a vial out of his pocket which holds sperm from a righteous member , he tries to pour some over nicolea her breast and dress, then pour some on her crotch , all the while humming, he tried to pour the last over nicolea her face, he puts the vial away and lays both hands on nicolea her head, trying to wipe her mind fully of the last two hours, using a tremendous amount of energy to wipe every trace of his own presence out of her mind
[2014/02/26 14:25] NicoleA Stine: /me loses bits a pieces of the event from her memory. She continues to hang lifeless
[2014/02/26 14:28] Drake Blackrose (drake.subagja): /me reaches in his pocket and takes out angel feathers , putting some on nicolea her body and sliding some into her clothes, he undoes the shackles on her wrists and ankles, focusing his force on keeping her suspended in the air, he then humms as he takes her back to the library where he leaves her on the middle of the floor
[2014/02/26 14:33] NicoleA Stine: /me lays on the floor of the library and begins to wake. She pushes herself up a bit then looks down at her torn clothes. She quickly pulls her dress covering her exposed body. She sits on the floor and looks around. "Whaa... what happened?" she wipes herself with her coat and finds an angel feather. Her memory is foggy and she cant remember what happened
Mirage strolls into the library carrying the books she borrowed 5 days ago. She stopped in the middle of the downstairs room and gives a glance around.. with a clear of her throat she calls out " Anyone home"
Mirage taps her foot awaiting a few minutes, when no answer came she let out a soft breathe and decided to wait.. patiently... was better then turning into a cockroach in 2 days time without the books returned. She pulls a seat out and sits down crossing her ankles she flips open the books and begins to reread them while waiting
Mirage hears footsteps looking up from the book opened on her lap she slowly shuts it and stands up " I'm here to return these.. don't feel like being a cockroach in a few days.." she murmurs walking up to the table to set the two books given 5 days ago to borrow
NicoleA Stine steps into the library and spots Mirage sitting. She stops folds her arms and offers a nod of her head "Hello there" she speaks in a soft tone. She steps closer to the table and looks at the books the to the woman "I hope you found them helpful"
Mirage " Mmm.." her greeting was mild and cut off in its hum to ask a more important question. with a slight look around her ears not picking up on anyone else in the building " Sorta.. kinda.. not really.. I need something like a cook book with herbs and spices... if you happen to have it "
NicoleA Stine tilts her head to one side "A cook book? I'm sorry I don't seem to understand, could you be more specific?"
Mirage taps her fingernails on the table top " like... a book that would define herbs and such for cooking... I'm making a personal remedy and I'm not quite sure what spices would be best in my dish... " she grins
NicoleA Stine lifts a hand to her chin. She taps her long bony finger against her lips "Hmm let me think...." she drops a hand and points to the shelf next to her as she walks closer to the book. "Perhaps this may help you" she drops her hand from her chin and lays her finger on the spine of the book sliding it from its spot. "Herb-ology... you should find it useful"
[20:09] MirageMirage smile becomes wider " This is right up my alley " she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a handful of green gems, holding them out for the trade " No sack to put them in but they should come to use.. truth stones.. occupant holds one.. should they lie the stone turns bright red " she explains
[20:11] NicoleA Stine holds her hand out and accepts the stones. She closes her hand tightly around the stone and hands the book to Mirage "The book is due back in two weeks" she smiles
[20:13] MirageMirage takes the book looking over the cover with a brush of her other palm " No worries.. I'll have it back in no time.. " she pauses in thought holding the book down at her side " What would it take to get a book that was...protected here? If perhaps I was observed in my process would I be able to study the pages?"
NicoleA Stine clutches the stones "Payment is needed. Payment in the form of goods or information. The more sensitive the material the higher the price. You may study the book in the library there is no issue about that. Of course I would need to verify with my boss." she folds her arms over her stomach "What type of information are you interested in?"
Mirage nods a little knowing the 'boss' would be over protective of the knowledge she sought because of her past and her blood but she was determined " Basic college level Chemistry. " she stops talking to reach in her pocket and rustles around in her pocket until she located one last green gem she pulls it out of her pocket and holds it between her thumb and index finger " I need it for myself, I intend to bring no harm to anyone else but Me " the green gem remained the same " I'm a mermaid " she added and the gem clouded over going from brilliant green to a deep red allowing mirage to prove its value
Andrussa just fucking appears. Magic and shit, you see. Don't question it!
NicoleA Stine watches as she toys with the stone in her hand then as the stone turns red with the obvious lie. "I see.... hmm perhaps we could make a deal. " Nicole looks around the library for a moment then brings her attention back to Mirage "Perhaps we could work out something. But the book would have to stay here."
Mirage " I could handle that. An audience doesn't bother me.. I just need the information " as she speaks truth the stone returns back to green she slides it back into her pocket then smiles with the progress this go around " I have no idea what type of payment this faction considers valuable.. but I am crafty at retrieving... so perhaps if you're willing to help me why don't you tell me something this house may require... so both ends are satisfied in the transaction."
NicoleA Stine turns noticing Russ just fucking appear "Russ, a moment if you would please?"
[20:28] Andrussaturns about, and pads over, nodding once to the white haired woman she finds familiar, then looks to Nicole, "Of c-course of course."
NicoleA Stine extends a hand towards Mirage "This fine young women would like to make a deal with our library." she brings her arm back to fold over her stomach "Seems she would like to view a restricted book and is willing to pay. Is there anything in particular we need?"
Mirage remembers Andrussa from last week when she visited. Mirage gives her a wink and waits for the verdict
Andrussa nods once, and looks to the woman again, catching the wink, and cants her head slightly, "Wh-what is it you're after this time?"
Mirage "The same thing I was after the last time I came... and since the survival guides did little for the information I seek If been considering what it would take to skip down that restricted isle..." she blinks "Chemistry.. and I assure you.. its not for bombs.. or anything stupid. " places a hand to her chest " mawh only... "
NicoleA Stine leans over to Russ and in a low whisper she speaks "I can slice it off of her if you like ." she grins then leans back and smiles at Mirage "Just kidding. But seriously I need to know something and perhaps you could help"
[20:38] Mirage: wonders if she knew mirage from the past she didn't recall it coming up she was demon.. unless someone else told her. Mirage tried to not let herself be annoyed winced a little to the idea knowing it would take a lot of energy to regrow body parts. "Information huh.. That might be easier then letting you cut off my arm." she blinks then nods to Nicole interested in the intel she seeks
NicoleA Stine looks over at Russ for a moment then back to Mirage. "A rape occurred in the dungeon under the hotel." Nicole produces a feather "This feather was found at the scene. Would you be able to track down its owner?"
[20:42] AndrussaAndrussa grins at Nicole, and wider at Mirage, "We look into our guests." She just leaves it at that, and lets Nicole go about her wheeling and dealing.
Mirage reached out to take the feather twirling it between her fingers as she looked at it " Hmmm " she ran it under her nose to catch the scent "Might take me a few days but I probably could track down the owner "
NicoleA Stine smiles "If you find the owner of the feather I will give you access to the book." she pauses "For as long as you like"
[20:45] AndrussaAndrussa nods a few times, seeming to approve on the exchange.
Mirage extends her arm to return the feather, the scent was memorized " Deal " grins wide and takes a little bow " until then ladies " she comments then turns on her toes and heads for the exit to begin her search unless stopped
NicoleA Stine takes the feather "Just the name of it's owner... I'll take care of the rest"
Andrussa grins, and raises a hand to the exiting woman, "Happy hunting."
Mirage " No problem... " she inwardly snickered to the thought of revenge and continued her exit to find the feathers origination
NicoleA Stine smiles "Good luck"
Andrussa cants her head slightly, "What's th-the deal with the feather?"
NicoleA Stine turns away from Russ and grabs the books off of the the table to re-shelve them. She seems distant "Oh nothing... Just need the information for a friend" Nicole returns the books to the shelf then turns around and looks at Russ and tries to smile
Andrussa shrugs, seeming to take that pretty much for what it is, "W-well, say something if y-you've need of anything else, yeah? Don't always have t-to lone-wolf it, yeah?" She looks over towards the mumbling Faith, and cants her head curiously.
NicoleA Stine opens her hand and extends it towards Russ. Green stones shimmer in the palm of her hand "Take one.." she gestures her chin "They are truth gems. The woman gave them to me" smirks a bit "You want the only vampire in the house NOT to be a loner..." she shrugs "Its what I am." she gestures again "Go ahead take one"
Faith raises her arms above her head, interlacing her fingers and cracking her knuckles with an arch of her spine. Her attention turns at the sound of voices, drawing a bend of her body to peer through the impeding bookcase. The revealed sight pulling a smile across her features as she set forward and moves to join the two. "Truth gems sound like a rather dangerous thing to go handling in a place like this~"
Andrussa raises her brow slightly at Nicole's offering, and her words, which bring a bit of a frown, and she does as instructed, taking one of the stones and holding it up to her face to inspect it. She glances toward Faith with a somewhat mixed expression, making it hard to tell just what she means with it.
NicoleA Stine shrugs "I am not a fan of magical stuff. I have no need for them." she holds her hand out to Faith "Would you like one?"
Faith chuckles some, shaking her head even as she eyes the stones. "I'll pass, hun. I'm horribly wary about handling magical artifacts, they're nothing but trouble~" She turns her attention over to Russ, catching sight of the odd expression and only raising a slender brow in return to it. "Is this one of those 'we need to talk' looks~?"
Andrussa shakes her head, then nods, then shrugs, and puts the stone into one of the pouches on her belt, "Th-thank you, Nicole. I'm sure I'll f-find some use for it. Never know, yeah?"'
NicoleA Stine closes her hand clutching the stones "Perhaps I will trade them away." looks at Russ "I'll leave you two to talk" she smiles and turns to walk out "Good evening" and walks out unless stopped
Faith blinks a few times, glancing back over to Nicole as she begins to walk away. "No need to leave, hun. I don't think ... I'm probably interrupting something anyway~"
Andrussa raises her hand to offer a wave to Nicole, "Evening, N-Nicole. Happy hunting." She looks to Faith, "She's g-got the scent of s-something. And I'm n-not going to interrupt a vampire on a m-mission, yeah?"
NicoleA Stine walks out into the night air and slips into the shadows of the city
-----to the church to interrogate angel knowledge...----
Mirage heads up the church steps, more so bounces, skips or gleefully steps up to the opening, her fist pounds the door while passing through to enter inside " Hey you...." she greets with that dark mischievous grin "Since you were soooo helpful the last time I visited... Maybe you can assist me again?" she asks batting her eyes while approaching
[20:41] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire 's head turned to the entrance once it was pounded. His brow perked up at Mirage returning to the Church, "Hmm...Evening again Miss.." he folded an arm across his chest while rubbing his chin pondering if helping a Demon again was a good idea, "I hope it doesn't involve blood for me to cleanse. Was is it?"
[20:44] MirageMirage chuckles "No... No.. sorry.. maybe another time you can torture me.. I drank some holy water burned a hole through my stomach and let those little bastards fall out... Not sure if i got em all but gotta take recovery time from all that shit " she winks then opens her coat to pull an angel feather from her breast pocket to hold out to him, she paused a foot or two in front of him " Would you happen to know if this belongs to one of your kin?" she asks
[20:59] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire up nodded feeling his stomach churn after hearing what she had to do to clean herself while noting her resilience even against damaging her own body. He then commented, "You may have to be careful with the Holy Water you imbibe that's left here in the Church out in the open." he gestures to the baptismal pool, "That pool there containing Holy Water has been soiled and tainted by people who disrespect this place and thinks the pool is something they can use to wash off squid slime post battle...So, know that it's not just Holy Water if you or others believe they can get there hands on" he then looked back to her then to the feather she held in her hand, "An Angel feather? Hmm, Those things don't just fall off like some molting chicken. Whoever got their hands on that probably had to put up a fight." he pondered out loud again, "...Could be Pilgrims...or even Brother Eliazaars..." he frowned, "Are you sure that may belong to one of our members?"
[21:03] MirageMirage "Hmmm.. No wonder it had a funky taste" she slowly smacked her lips together as the thought passed her mind her lip curled in disgust, she shook her head of the idea since what was done.. was done. She slide the feather back into the breast pocket of her coat " I have no idea whom it belongs to.." taps the side of her nose " This ain't what it use to be... and I'm not a fucking blood hound.. But i can tell its angelic.. figured id start here.. purest place of the city right?" rises her eye brows twice before relaxing her expression. she noted the names he gave and decided to take a sniff around
[21:12] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire took her word for it about the feather, "I see. So are you willing to relinquish it or were you just curious if it may belong to someone here?" he tilted his head, "I'm actually surprised and somewhat impressed that you're brave enough to enter the Church despite the history the Righteous had with Demons. Believe me when I say that we're on alert near the presence of your kind, but it is only because the majority of their actions usually disturbs our cause....If they were more co-operative" he gestured to her passively with a point of his pink towards her, "...We'd probably have more as allies instead of burdens"
Mirage "Mmmm Have you ever been to Hell? Theres not much left to fear once you've experienced true torment and fear....." she murmurs " The only unpleasentry to visiting is the burning my body undergoes while standing here for a mild chat " she blinks as the soft smoke rises from her body she rises an arm and jesters to the light grey smoke rising , she had an annoying expression towards it, her arms then cross to ignore it a little longer " If all demons were cooperative then they wouldn't really be evil now would they ?" she perked a brow at him allowing him to think about that idea " Earth must be balanced, where there is good there is evil, there can not be existence without the two.. its just nature.." she murmurs "But me... and our past is why I come. I don't come to start trouble, where would that get me? If I play nice maybe the opponent will too... that's how i like to see it..." she grins " Besides I'm not part of any faction.. just free roaming.. what harm could i possibly be?" she bats her eyes
Ignis Darkfire tried to stick his hands in his pockets for a moment but his hands weren't able to reach their destination and instead only hid his thumbs in them, "I have not been to hell, that much is certain, but I have lived a good portion of my in a purgatory that I've created for myself due to my own selfish reason....'self righteous suicide'...some would say...but suicide was suicide and I was cursed to feed on the emotions and life force of those around me...Only the Righteous were able to free me from that limbo while using a powerful Demon...Dominic.." he shrugged, "Still, if that was only my purgatory, I can't imagine what hell's like...nor would I ever, for my soul will be bound to this sword that I hold. Simply the fate of me and my clan that we've accepted" he sighed, "Furthermore, the Righteous accepts the fact that evil will be a constant in this city, and in this world. We accept that Vampires and Werewolves need to hunt to feed, that magic can be costly, and that there will be Darkness where ever
[21:32] Ignis Darkfire: Light shines. We just simply strive to keep order, so that this place, shit hole or not...can still be home to some citizens"
[21:35] MirageMirage she listens to him then gives a bit of a nod "Mmmmhmmm... Well Definitely glad it worked out for ya.. and so long as demons continue to be a burden you guys will always have a job, am I right?" she grins wide before taking a few steps back, the lil grey smoke rising from her body turned into a deep dark black, even the blood from her boiling skin began to seep through her shirt " I must be on my way now.. thanks for the input " she winks and spins on her heels shoving her hands in her pocket while heading to exit
[21:38] Ignis DarkfireIgnis Darkfire understood from the smoke trailing her that she need to go. He calls out after her, "Let me know if you find out who that Feather belongs to...might need the Righteous to investigate the case" he simply nodded a farewell to her
[21:39] MirageMirage she pauses by the door and shakes her head " I'm not normally kind... but id really pretend you knew nothing of this... might end up wrapping yourself in affairs you didn't want to be part of " she winks again, faces forward to carefully step past the others without a word to exit the church
That lead absolutely No where......
A week Later
[20:06] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine walks over to Mirage and folds her arms, she scans the area for a moment then brings her attention to Mirage "So how goes it?"
[20:08] MirageMirage rises her chin opening her silver hues "Hm?" she comments as if coming out of space. She blinks a few times then smiles at Nicole " Ohhh.. the hunt " she reaches her arms above her head and stretches "Mmmmmmm.... " she moans stretching out her back before her hands drop down to her side she smacks her lips intentionally taking an annoying amount of time to answer " yea.. we should probably go someplace a little more secluded to talk about that... " she breathes out in murmur
[20:09] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine turns and scans the area again "Um sure. follow me." She continues to look around before stepping off.
[20:13] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine stops turns around "So how is this progressing? Any leads?"
[20:15] MirageMirage gives a nod of approval, she didn't know if anyone was really around the haven but with it having the most traffic75% of the time she didn't want to take any chances. She tots along following a few feet until they reach a secluded destination.. Mirage opens her coat and pulls out the feather, running it under her nose inhaling deeply, her eyes close mocking the idea of taking a big whiff, her tongue wraps around the soft tendrils of the feather, lapping at it before it completes its run under her nose "Mmmm Okay..I'm No bloodhound " she comments "with that said I did some sniffing around the area in which you say this was found.. along with a few other... places.. " her words drift a bit as she waves a hand in explanation "The scents are very faint.. but from what i came up with.. no angel was involved in this..." she twirls the feather in her hand " the feather scents.. even semen lingers in that basement this took place... but no body heat... no sexual adrenaline.. No sweat.. there is no fuel excrete...
[20:15] Mirage: for the work that's claimed to hand happened..." she clears her throat " I think you're being set up to believe that an angel is to blame.. "
[20:19] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine raises a brow as she listens to her words. She would look off in the distance thinking and mumbling "Its all a blur... " she turns back to Mirage "as if my memory was erased. A gap in time..." she reaches into her waist band and produces a vial with a tiny amount of fluid. She holds it up between her thumb and index finger "Here.." she offers it to Mirage "Perhaps this will help you.... It is semen, found on the victim's clothes."
[20:23] MirageMirage shakes her head and her hand at the offer, placing the feather back into her coat pocket " That wont matter.. It could have been collected and *placed*' she explains " If your memory is a blur then you only have guesses here " she coos " but from what i can sense.. dark magic.. ..possibly demon affiliated .." rolls her hand in a circle " possibly a recent enemy?... is to blame "
[20:29] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine slides the vial back into her waist band. "Hmm dark magic you say? I hate magic" she folds her arms then shrugs a shoulder "I am sure I have a lot of enemies, one doesn't survive as this long in this city with out picking up a few along the way." she shakes her head. "Well there was this one time... " she pauses for a moment and lifts her hand to her chin "But I don't what his motive would be." she points her finger "Drake was in the library few days before..." she shrugs a shoulder
[20:33] MirageMirage nods a few times before closing her eyes as she hums then speaks "I wouldn't put it past a shadow to be behind this... " she comments opening her hues " it's something they would do.. hell.. something I might do.. just played out a little better. " she folds her arms "But I wouldn't put it past anyone with a vengeance.. this city carries a lot of anger and wrath " she grins looking at the vampiress " None the less the culprit doesn't seem to exist so to get that book looked at I'm gonna need to pay for it with an arm hm?"
[20:36] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine shakes her head "No, you can keep your arm. You've pointed me in the right direction. I know more now then I did a week ago."
[20:37] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine nods her head "I will consider you paid in full and will offer a viewing of the book"
[20:38] MirageMirage "Goodie.." she smirks a bit folding her arms over her stomach "I'm going to be a week or two before i come for the logic.. I have some other things to take care of firstly.. " she comments
[20:38] MirageMirage "Goodie.." she smirks a bit folding her arms over her stomach "I'm going to be a week or two before i come for the logic.. I have some other things to take care of firstly.. " she comments
[20:40] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine nods her head "No problem just come and find me when you are ready." she grins
[20:41] MirageMirage nods to her "Best of luck with your revenge.. " she grins at her turning away to trail off down the road
[20:42] NicoleA StineNicoleA Stine nods "Thanks " and steps off towards the library
End of Mission
Nicole Passes On Information to Viviane Masukami
[15:37] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) smiles lightly as she sees Nicole, "hello this evening..."
[15:37] NicoleA Stine steps into the library and finds Viv "Good evening Viv..." she scans the room then steps closer to her. She speaks in a soft low tone barely above a whisper "I need to speak with you." she scans the room once again "You are the only one I can trust" she looks her in the eyes
[15:39] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) tilts her head lightly before nodding then lifting her hand to point to the stairs, "do you wish to talk upstairs?" she mumbles lightly concern coming through her voice. "are you alright?"
[15:40] Andrussa (russ.uxlay) pads into the library, canting her head slightly as she stops, not wanting to just barge in to whatever is going on.
[15:40] NicoleA Stine shakes her head "Its not me." she gestures her hands towards the stair "Yes lets move up stairs" she looks behind her then turns to walk towards the stairs
[15:41] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) looks behind Nichole to Russ and waves lightly before fallowing Nicole up the stairs.
[15:44] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) bites her lip lightly as she come to a stop, "who is in trouble me lady?"
[15:44] NicoleA Stine makes her way upstairs, she turns around checking if they were followed. She brings her attention back to Viv. She keeps her voice soft "Like I said,you are the only one I can trust." she leans in "I have been approached by two individuals warning me of a possible power struggle in the library." she inhales deeply then begins to speak again "My fear is that Denny and the library is in trouble"
[15:47] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) tilts her head, "who has come to you? I have not herd of any struggles. I dont think i like this... this is worrisome..."
[15:51] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes very worrisome" she folds her arms and lifts a hand to her chin laying her index finger on the side of her cheek. "Are you aware of any rumors floating around the city about a possible coup to remove Denny and take over the library? I am not as close with the new members as I should be but being the creature that I am it is my nature to survive in the shadows. My silence does not reflect a lack of activity, however it reflects a level of discretion in my actions." she pauses for a moment "I have many sources through out the city. I was approached by Kindred and Mordeth. I have not confirmed information from Kindred and Mord said he would keep me up to date with his information."
[15:51] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes very worrisome" she folds her arms and lifts a hand to her chin laying her index finger on the side of her cheek. "Are you aware of any rumors floating around the city about a possible coup to remove Denny and take over the library? I am not as close with the new members as I should be but being the creature that I am it is my nature to survive in the shadows. My silence does not reflect a lack of activity, however it reflects a level of discretion in my actions." she pauses for a moment "I have many sources through out the city. I was approached by Kindred and Mordeth. I have not confirmed information from Kindred and Mord said he would keep me up to date with his information."
[15:59] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) shock her head, "no im not close to them, im begin to learn some of their behaviors. There's only a few that I do not know fully. I haven't herd of anything as of late. This couldn't have come at a worse time.. He's weak right now. though he should be back to full strength soon. But still." she then raises her hand to tap her chin, "Maybe someone from the out side is wishing to see us all fall apart, to stop trusting each other and start taking each other apart. Or maybe..." she sighs, "maybe there really is a power struggle. And we just haven't found it yet..." dropping her hand she looks at Nicole, "what do you think? Do you think we could be facing an enemy from with in?"
[16:03] NicoleA Stine drops her hand from her chin and folds her arms. She offers a shrug of her shoulder "I am not sure. I just don't know." she looks off for a moment then returns to Viv "Is there anyone else you know and trust that we can inform? I believe Russ and Leta can be trusted." she pauses again then leans in "Do you think Nerissa has returned to take over? Does it seem a coincident that Nerissa and Kimer are both from the Coven?" she shakes her head "I just don't know, but I can tell you one thing. My loyalty is to the library and Denny and I will defend both with my swords"
[16:08] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods shrugging her shoulders, "i dont know. Nerissa was once and omegan, as was Denny. I can trust Leta. I do not know Kimer. I have yet to really read her. I am with you on that, I may be coincidence it may be nothing but it does seem to require further investigation. And i shall not allow those who I trust or hold dear in this house be harmed for it..."
[16:12] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes yes I know we can trust Leta." as if a light bulb goes off over her head. She points a finger "You know... Mord did bring up the Omegas" she brings her finger up to her chin and taps her lips "hmm."
[16:13] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) noes twitches as she shudders lightly, "what about them???"
[16:16] NicoleA Stine shrugs a shoulder then begins to pace as she thinks "I'm not sure what Mord ment, he brought up Omegas then denied they were involved. I need to keep an eye on that one. I am not sure of his motives. But I will speak with him soon. As for the information from the Kindred there was no mention of Omegas... as of yet"
[16:22] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods lightly, "might just be trying to throw us off with that... but be cautious. When it comes to former Omegans. Things can get deadly. They are like snakes. There are only a few that I would trust who once were in that house. Other then those few. I'd watch myself..." she nibbles lightly on her lip, "looks like its time to play a game of chest. yes, a game of chest." mumbles more to her self. She then comes out of her thoughts smiling lightly, "Might be time play a deadly game of cat and mouse..."
[16:24] NicoleA Stine stops pacing and nods at her statement about playing the games "Yes I think this could become a deadly game of cat and mouse" she would rub her hands together at the thought of possibly killing another Omega. "I think in the mean time we need to inform Denny and keep an eye and ear on everyone. Lets see what we can come up with." she shrugs "I think thats all we can do"
[16:26] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods, "aye, we shall inform him. Which ever one of us get to him first. And ill keep my eyes and ears out for anything i find suspicious..."
[16:29] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I will do the same" she steps past Viv, stops and turns around "Please be careful and don't hesitate to call me if you need help. This could become dangerous very quickly" she continues on towards the stairs unless stopped
[16:29] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods lightly, "same goes for you, be safe."
[16:30] NicoleA Stine offers her a grin then walks down the stairs
[15:37] NicoleA Stine steps into the library and finds Viv "Good evening Viv..." she scans the room then steps closer to her. She speaks in a soft low tone barely above a whisper "I need to speak with you." she scans the room once again "You are the only one I can trust" she looks her in the eyes
[15:39] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) tilts her head lightly before nodding then lifting her hand to point to the stairs, "do you wish to talk upstairs?" she mumbles lightly concern coming through her voice. "are you alright?"
[15:40] Andrussa (russ.uxlay) pads into the library, canting her head slightly as she stops, not wanting to just barge in to whatever is going on.
[15:40] NicoleA Stine shakes her head "Its not me." she gestures her hands towards the stair "Yes lets move up stairs" she looks behind her then turns to walk towards the stairs
[15:41] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) looks behind Nichole to Russ and waves lightly before fallowing Nicole up the stairs.
[15:44] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) bites her lip lightly as she come to a stop, "who is in trouble me lady?"
[15:44] NicoleA Stine makes her way upstairs, she turns around checking if they were followed. She brings her attention back to Viv. She keeps her voice soft "Like I said,you are the only one I can trust." she leans in "I have been approached by two individuals warning me of a possible power struggle in the library." she inhales deeply then begins to speak again "My fear is that Denny and the library is in trouble"
[15:47] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) tilts her head, "who has come to you? I have not herd of any struggles. I dont think i like this... this is worrisome..."
[15:51] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes very worrisome" she folds her arms and lifts a hand to her chin laying her index finger on the side of her cheek. "Are you aware of any rumors floating around the city about a possible coup to remove Denny and take over the library? I am not as close with the new members as I should be but being the creature that I am it is my nature to survive in the shadows. My silence does not reflect a lack of activity, however it reflects a level of discretion in my actions." she pauses for a moment "I have many sources through out the city. I was approached by Kindred and Mordeth. I have not confirmed information from Kindred and Mord said he would keep me up to date with his information."
[15:51] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes very worrisome" she folds her arms and lifts a hand to her chin laying her index finger on the side of her cheek. "Are you aware of any rumors floating around the city about a possible coup to remove Denny and take over the library? I am not as close with the new members as I should be but being the creature that I am it is my nature to survive in the shadows. My silence does not reflect a lack of activity, however it reflects a level of discretion in my actions." she pauses for a moment "I have many sources through out the city. I was approached by Kindred and Mordeth. I have not confirmed information from Kindred and Mord said he would keep me up to date with his information."
[15:59] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) shock her head, "no im not close to them, im begin to learn some of their behaviors. There's only a few that I do not know fully. I haven't herd of anything as of late. This couldn't have come at a worse time.. He's weak right now. though he should be back to full strength soon. But still." she then raises her hand to tap her chin, "Maybe someone from the out side is wishing to see us all fall apart, to stop trusting each other and start taking each other apart. Or maybe..." she sighs, "maybe there really is a power struggle. And we just haven't found it yet..." dropping her hand she looks at Nicole, "what do you think? Do you think we could be facing an enemy from with in?"
[16:03] NicoleA Stine drops her hand from her chin and folds her arms. She offers a shrug of her shoulder "I am not sure. I just don't know." she looks off for a moment then returns to Viv "Is there anyone else you know and trust that we can inform? I believe Russ and Leta can be trusted." she pauses again then leans in "Do you think Nerissa has returned to take over? Does it seem a coincident that Nerissa and Kimer are both from the Coven?" she shakes her head "I just don't know, but I can tell you one thing. My loyalty is to the library and Denny and I will defend both with my swords"
[16:08] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods shrugging her shoulders, "i dont know. Nerissa was once and omegan, as was Denny. I can trust Leta. I do not know Kimer. I have yet to really read her. I am with you on that, I may be coincidence it may be nothing but it does seem to require further investigation. And i shall not allow those who I trust or hold dear in this house be harmed for it..."
[16:12] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes yes I know we can trust Leta." as if a light bulb goes off over her head. She points a finger "You know... Mord did bring up the Omegas" she brings her finger up to her chin and taps her lips "hmm."
[16:13] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) noes twitches as she shudders lightly, "what about them???"
[16:16] NicoleA Stine shrugs a shoulder then begins to pace as she thinks "I'm not sure what Mord ment, he brought up Omegas then denied they were involved. I need to keep an eye on that one. I am not sure of his motives. But I will speak with him soon. As for the information from the Kindred there was no mention of Omegas... as of yet"
[16:22] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods lightly, "might just be trying to throw us off with that... but be cautious. When it comes to former Omegans. Things can get deadly. They are like snakes. There are only a few that I would trust who once were in that house. Other then those few. I'd watch myself..." she nibbles lightly on her lip, "looks like its time to play a game of chest. yes, a game of chest." mumbles more to her self. She then comes out of her thoughts smiling lightly, "Might be time play a deadly game of cat and mouse..."
[16:24] NicoleA Stine stops pacing and nods at her statement about playing the games "Yes I think this could become a deadly game of cat and mouse" she would rub her hands together at the thought of possibly killing another Omega. "I think in the mean time we need to inform Denny and keep an eye and ear on everyone. Lets see what we can come up with." she shrugs "I think thats all we can do"
[16:26] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods, "aye, we shall inform him. Which ever one of us get to him first. And ill keep my eyes and ears out for anything i find suspicious..."
[16:29] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I will do the same" she steps past Viv, stops and turns around "Please be careful and don't hesitate to call me if you need help. This could become dangerous very quickly" she continues on towards the stairs unless stopped
[16:29] Viviane Masukami (viviane.lurra) nods lightly, "same goes for you, be safe."
[16:30] NicoleA Stine offers her a grin then walks down the stairs
Nicole Attempts To Seduce Viv LaMour
[2014/04/06 07:29] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Looks up and down the street...Then takes a glance at the lady on the bench...before flickering her orbs up to the on in front of the haven door..
[2014/04/06 07:30] NicoleA Stine sits on the bench and reads her book. She bounces her foot a bit.
[2014/04/06 07:33] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) The tapping of the lady's foot caught Viv's attention..Making her look at the lady a second time..Then she snorted loudly and mumbled "fuck it" to her self and went to set beside the lady...."Is this seat taken?" she ask...
[2014/04/06 07:34] NicoleA Stine looks up from her book and turns a page. She shakes her head "No its not." she turns to look at Viv and smiles then brings her attention back to her book
[2014/04/06 07:36] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Caught the smile and returned one back..Viv would fold her left leg over the right and scratch the back of her head.."Hum.." she said softly.."I know iv seen you around town for a year or so..But I don't think iv got to catch your name...
[2014/04/06 07:38] NicoleA Stine turns and looks at Viv and tilts her head "I am Nicole, I've been librarian here for may years now." she smiles.
[2014/04/06 07:44] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Tilts her head back and smiles.."Ah okay then..Well Im Viv..." she smiled as she looked toward the library ..Then back to the lady again.."So what do you guys do over their in that building just read books?" she asked...
[2014/04/06 07:46] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Nice to meet you Viv." she turns to look over at the library for a moment then back to Viv. "Well we are the keepers of the cities information and history. We provide a service for all who wish to seek knowledge." she tilts her head to one side "Do you have a library card?"
[2014/04/06 07:48] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) "Oh yes I think I got one about 3 years ago when I first came here...We had a task to get a card.." she smiled..."I think its at home.." she nods some... Then pulled out her flask and took a sip and held it up offering some to NicoleA...
[2014/04/06 07:50] NicoleA Stine looks at the flask then shakes her head "No thank you." she brings her attention back to Viv "Well that's excellent you have a card, Reading is fundamental you know." she smiles
[2014/04/06 07:54] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Smiles and nods.."Yea..I know just finding time to read sometimes is a bit of a task.."
[2014/04/06 07:59] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes it can be difficult to find time to read." she scans the the area for a moment then returns to Viv. "In order to survive in this city one must exercise and train the brain as much as the body"
[2014/04/06 08:02] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) "I suppose that your right about that.." she smiled.."Maybe ill find more time to read and such.."
[2014/04/06 08:03] NicoleA Stine leans in a bit and lowers her voice "Might I suggest reading 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu." she leans back "Its fascinating"
[2014/04/06 08:08] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Smiles.."Maybe ill come by sometime and you can show it to me.."
[2014/04/06 08:09] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Sure, anytime" and smiles seductively
[2014/04/06 08:15] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) The wolfish bluish orbs flickered over the lady's legs and the tips of her fingers as she read the book...She licked across her bottom lip as she observed her figure..Then smiled to her self...."Well ill be visiting then.." she nods her head a few times slowly before her she turned to look up and down the road again..
[2014/04/06 08:20] NicoleA Stine smiles "Excellent, perhaps we can share a drink during your visit." Nicole catches Viv's look at her leg. She would uncross then cross her legs perhaps as a tease. The sound of her stocking clad legs rubbing against each other seemed to echo off the buildings.
[2014/04/06 08:23] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Would smile.."Sure...Yea I'm sure that would be great..." The sound of the stockings rubbing against one another as she switched legs would send a chill over Viv causing the hairs on her neck to rise...Viv would run her snout in the air trying to pick up her scent if able...
[2014/04/06 08:26] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Would smile and wiggle her fingers to Eli.."Morning Eli.."
[2014/04/06 08:26] NicoleA Stine lowers her book onto her lap she smiles as her foot bounces "And what about you Ms Viv. Tell me about you?"
[2014/04/06 08:28] Vishous Rage wanders up to her sis looking around she would lean in close to vivs ear'..A word sis...if you please..will only take a minute'....But not here....she would motion to Viv to follow her
[2014/04/06 08:29] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Pursed her lips together as she looked up seeing Vish she let out a light sigh..And flickered her eyes over to NicoleA before looking back to Vish..."Well we will have to finish this one up chick.." she'd wink to her before standing up and following Vish off if allowed...
[2014/04/06 08:29] NicoleA Stine smiles and nods at Viv. She lifts her book "Have a wonderful Ms."
[2014/04/06 07:30] NicoleA Stine sits on the bench and reads her book. She bounces her foot a bit.
[2014/04/06 07:33] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) The tapping of the lady's foot caught Viv's attention..Making her look at the lady a second time..Then she snorted loudly and mumbled "fuck it" to her self and went to set beside the lady...."Is this seat taken?" she ask...
[2014/04/06 07:34] NicoleA Stine looks up from her book and turns a page. She shakes her head "No its not." she turns to look at Viv and smiles then brings her attention back to her book
[2014/04/06 07:36] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Caught the smile and returned one back..Viv would fold her left leg over the right and scratch the back of her head.."Hum.." she said softly.."I know iv seen you around town for a year or so..But I don't think iv got to catch your name...
[2014/04/06 07:38] NicoleA Stine turns and looks at Viv and tilts her head "I am Nicole, I've been librarian here for may years now." she smiles.
[2014/04/06 07:44] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Tilts her head back and smiles.."Ah okay then..Well Im Viv..." she smiled as she looked toward the library ..Then back to the lady again.."So what do you guys do over their in that building just read books?" she asked...
[2014/04/06 07:46] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Nice to meet you Viv." she turns to look over at the library for a moment then back to Viv. "Well we are the keepers of the cities information and history. We provide a service for all who wish to seek knowledge." she tilts her head to one side "Do you have a library card?"
[2014/04/06 07:48] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) "Oh yes I think I got one about 3 years ago when I first came here...We had a task to get a card.." she smiled..."I think its at home.." she nods some... Then pulled out her flask and took a sip and held it up offering some to NicoleA...
[2014/04/06 07:50] NicoleA Stine looks at the flask then shakes her head "No thank you." she brings her attention back to Viv "Well that's excellent you have a card, Reading is fundamental you know." she smiles
[2014/04/06 07:54] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Smiles and nods.."Yea..I know just finding time to read sometimes is a bit of a task.."
[2014/04/06 07:59] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes it can be difficult to find time to read." she scans the the area for a moment then returns to Viv. "In order to survive in this city one must exercise and train the brain as much as the body"
[2014/04/06 08:02] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) "I suppose that your right about that.." she smiled.."Maybe ill find more time to read and such.."
[2014/04/06 08:03] NicoleA Stine leans in a bit and lowers her voice "Might I suggest reading 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu." she leans back "Its fascinating"
[2014/04/06 08:08] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Smiles.."Maybe ill come by sometime and you can show it to me.."
[2014/04/06 08:09] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Sure, anytime" and smiles seductively
[2014/04/06 08:15] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) The wolfish bluish orbs flickered over the lady's legs and the tips of her fingers as she read the book...She licked across her bottom lip as she observed her figure..Then smiled to her self...."Well ill be visiting then.." she nods her head a few times slowly before her she turned to look up and down the road again..
[2014/04/06 08:20] NicoleA Stine smiles "Excellent, perhaps we can share a drink during your visit." Nicole catches Viv's look at her leg. She would uncross then cross her legs perhaps as a tease. The sound of her stocking clad legs rubbing against each other seemed to echo off the buildings.
[2014/04/06 08:23] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Would smile.."Sure...Yea I'm sure that would be great..." The sound of the stockings rubbing against one another as she switched legs would send a chill over Viv causing the hairs on her neck to rise...Viv would run her snout in the air trying to pick up her scent if able...
[2014/04/06 08:26] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Would smile and wiggle her fingers to Eli.."Morning Eli.."
[2014/04/06 08:26] NicoleA Stine lowers her book onto her lap she smiles as her foot bounces "And what about you Ms Viv. Tell me about you?"
[2014/04/06 08:28] Vishous Rage wanders up to her sis looking around she would lean in close to vivs ear'..A word sis...if you please..will only take a minute'....But not here....she would motion to Viv to follow her
[2014/04/06 08:29] ѴiѴ LâMØur (cherry81) Pursed her lips together as she looked up seeing Vish she let out a light sigh..And flickered her eyes over to NicoleA before looking back to Vish..."Well we will have to finish this one up chick.." she'd wink to her before standing up and following Vish off if allowed...
[2014/04/06 08:29] NicoleA Stine smiles and nods at Viv. She lifts her book "Have a wonderful Ms."
Nicole Strikes a Deal With Darken
[08:37] Darken (marwan.paine) walks towards the seat and settle down beside Nicple before he grins " Books and Glasses?.. if i didn't know you well I would have said you just an ordinary Librarian my Dear "
[08:40] NicoleA Stine continues to look at her book "I have worked at the library for some time now." she slowly shakes her head "You've just noticed?" she rolls her eyes
[08:41] Darken (marwan.paine) smirks as he leans back on the seat in complete lazy position "I know you worked for some time .. I mean you not that ordinary Librarian dear Sister"
[08:45] NicoleA Stine lifts a hand to turn the page and continues to look at the book as she speaks to Darken "Perhaps not in your dreams." she smirks then uncrosses and crosses her legs, she bounces her foot a bit
[08:47] Darken (marwan.paine) laughs hard as he watches the street and answer Nicole " tell that to someone who doesn't know you , Nicole" he smirks before add " I am not saying of course I know everything about you .. but trust Me , Dear... there is nothing ordinary about you even in the days of the KA"
[08:52] NicoleA Stine lowers her book onto her lap and leans in close to Darken. Her eyes turn red and her fangs grow long. She hisses her words "I assure you ... 'brother' you know nothing about me. Even from my days in the impotent KA" she stares into his eyes and remains close. "Trust me"
[08:54] Darken (marwan.paine) cross his arms before his chest as he turn to face her with calm looks and leans to meets hers face as he whispers " Not so Ordinary Liberian now huh? he paused a bit and adds " Sister"
[08:56] NicoleA Stine eyes turn normal and her fangs recede as she leans back and calmly lifts her book. She continues to look at her book as she speaks to Darken "Is there a purpose to this conversation?" she lifts a hand to turn the page and continues to look at her book "Or is this simply a social visit?"
[08:59] Darken (marwan.paine) watches her return to her normal face before he return to look at the street ideally and put his hands behind his head seeking more relaxation " not that I find Talking and Visiting you as Bad thing , Nicole but no this is not simply social Visit.. I have a business proposal for the none ordinary Librarian if she exists
[09:00] NicoleA Stine continues to read her book bouncing her foot "I'm listening... continue"
[09:02] Darken (marwan.paine) his amber eyes watches the street for awhile before says " I don't belive public street is good place to discuss any business"
[09:04] NicoleA Stine drops her book "Shall we go to the library" she stands and turns towards the library
[09:05] Darken (marwan.paine) point at the Library with so many around it " No I don't belive that will be good enough.. how about the warehouse
[09:05] NicoleA Stine nods her head and extends a hand "After you"
[09:05] Darken (marwan.paine) nods "if you please" he says as he start moving
[09:06] Darken (marwan.paine) motions at the couch " have seat" he says before he settle into one
[09:07] NicoleA Stine walks into the warehouse and looks around. She follows Darken over to the couches and takes a seat. "So you wish to discuss a business proposition with me?" she pauses "I am listening"
[09:10] Darken (marwan.paine) nods as he says " I am a business man so I believe in being blunt and get to the point so I won't take much of your time" he says as he looks into her eyes if possible " I believe I will have info soon that may concerns the Library .. such info if it would be true and according to the source shall be of very value to you ... so I wonder if me and you can establish an agreement of understanding to exchange information that may help both our families
[09:13] NicoleA Stine crosses her legs and lays her hands neatly in her lap "Information... about the library... I am always in the business for the exchange of information. You have my interest. What is this 'valuable" information you may come to acquire?"
[09:15] Darken (marwan.paine) grins as he looks at her " something about Leaderships , some power struggle and maybe more.. I shall give you more details once I have it but in same time.. I know that you capable of gathering information ,.. it always been one of your perks so can I count you in in exchanging information that may interest the KA? and more importantly can we work together if the a need came?
[09:19] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I see, a power struggle in the library.. " she crosses her arms "I see, this is news to me." she lifts a hand and lays it on her chest "So are you telling me there is a plot to over throw Denny?" she narrows her gaze as she looks at him "And what specifically are you looking for in exchange for this information?"
[09:22] Darken (marwan.paine) shakes his head " I am not saying anything yet.. all I know is just shreds of what I should know once I acquire the full information..it could be anything .. could be big plot , could be nonsense .. we shall see what it bring " he shrugs then smiles at her " I thought I was clear enough , Nicole.. I want my Family interest just like you and we both know Info is our main objective to reach that so I need any info that KA may need or any info about anything plotted against us.
[09:26] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I see. So you wish to have an open ended agreement with the library to share information that is important to our houses." she uncrosses then crosses her legs "I am sure I can live up to my end of the bargain, however if there is a coup and the library is left in ruin I can not guarantee it. You can understand that, yes?" she drops her hand from her chest and lays it in her lap. "But I am confident I will be able to maintain my end of the bargain"
[09:31] Darken (marwan.paine) nods back " true but the agreement is between you and Me not the KA and the Library .. because such houses agreement would surly need bigger powers than us .. we shall try to benefit our families as we can and as individuals.. of course both leaders will know about it but I doubt both will officially adopt it hence why I say it is personal agreement " he then would leans more so he can speak closely to Nicole " as for keeping each side bargain , I am sure we can .. we both find information that may benefit others all the times.. but sometimes we choose not to exchange it .. hence why I say you and i can exchange those concerns our families for further development of both: he would then tittle his head " as for the ruins of any Family... well , lets say we trying to forbid that from happening"
[09:33] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Seems fair enough. However I will wait to tell anyone of our agreement because of the library's current situation. If Denny maintains power I will certainly inform him of our agreement." she extends a hand "Shall we shake on it?"
[09:35] Darken (marwan.paine) nods as he reach and shakes her hand " indeed and I would advise to wait till I have my info .. once I have it we shall have better position in judging its importance and at that time you can be in better position to tell Denny or not"
[09:39] NicoleA Stine shakes Dark's hand "Excellent. But until Denny's power is secured I would ask you to keep this between us. That would include the countess. Her intentions may be different than yours." she drops her hand back to her lap.
[09:40] Darken (marwan.paine) nods " it shall be Done and even though I am sure Denny power is much bigger than whatever else in competition , if there was one anyway , but I think you are correct ..w e shall wait till I have full information " he then would smiles and says " I hope it will be the start of wealthy beneficial business we have in future , Nicole"
[09:43] NicoleA Stine stands to face him and nods her head "Good, then we have a deal." she steps past the coffee "If there is nothing else I shall be going. I have some business to attend to in the library." she smiles "Thanks you"
[09:44] Darken (marwan.paine) would smiles and stands up to face her and nods " that will be all for now , and I shall seek you once I have more info"
[09:45] NicoleA Stine nods and steps away "Have a pleasant day" she would turn and head towards the stairs
[09:45] Darken (marwan.paine) smiels as he watches her leave " I wish you well"
[08:40] NicoleA Stine continues to look at her book "I have worked at the library for some time now." she slowly shakes her head "You've just noticed?" she rolls her eyes
[08:41] Darken (marwan.paine) smirks as he leans back on the seat in complete lazy position "I know you worked for some time .. I mean you not that ordinary Librarian dear Sister"
[08:45] NicoleA Stine lifts a hand to turn the page and continues to look at the book as she speaks to Darken "Perhaps not in your dreams." she smirks then uncrosses and crosses her legs, she bounces her foot a bit
[08:47] Darken (marwan.paine) laughs hard as he watches the street and answer Nicole " tell that to someone who doesn't know you , Nicole" he smirks before add " I am not saying of course I know everything about you .. but trust Me , Dear... there is nothing ordinary about you even in the days of the KA"
[08:52] NicoleA Stine lowers her book onto her lap and leans in close to Darken. Her eyes turn red and her fangs grow long. She hisses her words "I assure you ... 'brother' you know nothing about me. Even from my days in the impotent KA" she stares into his eyes and remains close. "Trust me"
[08:54] Darken (marwan.paine) cross his arms before his chest as he turn to face her with calm looks and leans to meets hers face as he whispers " Not so Ordinary Liberian now huh? he paused a bit and adds " Sister"
[08:56] NicoleA Stine eyes turn normal and her fangs recede as she leans back and calmly lifts her book. She continues to look at her book as she speaks to Darken "Is there a purpose to this conversation?" she lifts a hand to turn the page and continues to look at her book "Or is this simply a social visit?"
[08:59] Darken (marwan.paine) watches her return to her normal face before he return to look at the street ideally and put his hands behind his head seeking more relaxation " not that I find Talking and Visiting you as Bad thing , Nicole but no this is not simply social Visit.. I have a business proposal for the none ordinary Librarian if she exists
[09:00] NicoleA Stine continues to read her book bouncing her foot "I'm listening... continue"
[09:02] Darken (marwan.paine) his amber eyes watches the street for awhile before says " I don't belive public street is good place to discuss any business"
[09:04] NicoleA Stine drops her book "Shall we go to the library" she stands and turns towards the library
[09:05] Darken (marwan.paine) point at the Library with so many around it " No I don't belive that will be good enough.. how about the warehouse
[09:05] NicoleA Stine nods her head and extends a hand "After you"
[09:05] Darken (marwan.paine) nods "if you please" he says as he start moving
[09:06] Darken (marwan.paine) motions at the couch " have seat" he says before he settle into one
[09:07] NicoleA Stine walks into the warehouse and looks around. She follows Darken over to the couches and takes a seat. "So you wish to discuss a business proposition with me?" she pauses "I am listening"
[09:10] Darken (marwan.paine) nods as he says " I am a business man so I believe in being blunt and get to the point so I won't take much of your time" he says as he looks into her eyes if possible " I believe I will have info soon that may concerns the Library .. such info if it would be true and according to the source shall be of very value to you ... so I wonder if me and you can establish an agreement of understanding to exchange information that may help both our families
[09:13] NicoleA Stine crosses her legs and lays her hands neatly in her lap "Information... about the library... I am always in the business for the exchange of information. You have my interest. What is this 'valuable" information you may come to acquire?"
[09:15] Darken (marwan.paine) grins as he looks at her " something about Leaderships , some power struggle and maybe more.. I shall give you more details once I have it but in same time.. I know that you capable of gathering information ,.. it always been one of your perks so can I count you in in exchanging information that may interest the KA? and more importantly can we work together if the a need came?
[09:19] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I see, a power struggle in the library.. " she crosses her arms "I see, this is news to me." she lifts a hand and lays it on her chest "So are you telling me there is a plot to over throw Denny?" she narrows her gaze as she looks at him "And what specifically are you looking for in exchange for this information?"
[09:22] Darken (marwan.paine) shakes his head " I am not saying anything yet.. all I know is just shreds of what I should know once I acquire the full information..it could be anything .. could be big plot , could be nonsense .. we shall see what it bring " he shrugs then smiles at her " I thought I was clear enough , Nicole.. I want my Family interest just like you and we both know Info is our main objective to reach that so I need any info that KA may need or any info about anything plotted against us.
[09:26] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I see. So you wish to have an open ended agreement with the library to share information that is important to our houses." she uncrosses then crosses her legs "I am sure I can live up to my end of the bargain, however if there is a coup and the library is left in ruin I can not guarantee it. You can understand that, yes?" she drops her hand from her chest and lays it in her lap. "But I am confident I will be able to maintain my end of the bargain"
[09:31] Darken (marwan.paine) nods back " true but the agreement is between you and Me not the KA and the Library .. because such houses agreement would surly need bigger powers than us .. we shall try to benefit our families as we can and as individuals.. of course both leaders will know about it but I doubt both will officially adopt it hence why I say it is personal agreement " he then would leans more so he can speak closely to Nicole " as for keeping each side bargain , I am sure we can .. we both find information that may benefit others all the times.. but sometimes we choose not to exchange it .. hence why I say you and i can exchange those concerns our families for further development of both: he would then tittle his head " as for the ruins of any Family... well , lets say we trying to forbid that from happening"
[09:33] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Seems fair enough. However I will wait to tell anyone of our agreement because of the library's current situation. If Denny maintains power I will certainly inform him of our agreement." she extends a hand "Shall we shake on it?"
[09:35] Darken (marwan.paine) nods as he reach and shakes her hand " indeed and I would advise to wait till I have my info .. once I have it we shall have better position in judging its importance and at that time you can be in better position to tell Denny or not"
[09:39] NicoleA Stine shakes Dark's hand "Excellent. But until Denny's power is secured I would ask you to keep this between us. That would include the countess. Her intentions may be different than yours." she drops her hand back to her lap.
[09:40] Darken (marwan.paine) nods " it shall be Done and even though I am sure Denny power is much bigger than whatever else in competition , if there was one anyway , but I think you are correct ..w e shall wait till I have full information " he then would smiles and says " I hope it will be the start of wealthy beneficial business we have in future , Nicole"
[09:43] NicoleA Stine stands to face him and nods her head "Good, then we have a deal." she steps past the coffee "If there is nothing else I shall be going. I have some business to attend to in the library." she smiles "Thanks you"
[09:44] Darken (marwan.paine) would smiles and stands up to face her and nods " that will be all for now , and I shall seek you once I have more info"
[09:45] NicoleA Stine nods and steps away "Have a pleasant day" she would turn and head towards the stairs
[09:45] Darken (marwan.paine) smiels as he watches her leave " I wish you well"
Mordeth Morgwain Warns Nicole of A Potential Power Struggle in The Institute
[2014/04/05 14:06] NicoleA Stine walks into the Haven and she scans the room. Her sight stops at Russ and she offers a nod then goes to Mord and she narrows her gaze studying him she folds her arms over her stomach
[2014/04/05 14:07] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head a moment and pursed his lips as he regarded the woman. His gaze flicked towards the bottles. "Ones choice of wit must be proportionate to the flow of banter. Not run opposite to it. That would, then, make it sarcasm." He chuckled. "But given that I was the one going on at myself..." He shook his head slightly as his gaze flicked towards the library. "It would be enough to..." He paused a moment as his lips twitched and he turned to face Nicole with a bow of his head. "If I did not know better, my dear, I would say that look of intense displeasure has words behind it it that are just waiting to be loosed." He would gesture to her. "Would this be something that all should hear, or just my own ears which would recieve the pleasure of a blistering?" He chuckled.
[2014/04/05 14:10] NicoleA Stine starts to slowly shake her head "I have no words for you. I heard you were back in town. I just didn't believe it."
[2014/04/05 14:11] Pix Cazalet's head turns to look at the one in the chair to the side of her and winks "likewise"
[2014/04/05 14:12] Andrussa (russ.uxlay) smiles as she notices Nicole, holding up a hand in greeting, and only smiles wider as she sees the face she wears towards Mordeth. "I believe th-the man doth talk to much." Her eyes shift to the hooded woman, clearly not expecting a return and switch of her little magic trick, but only seems cheered for it, "G-good catch, th-there." She takes another gulp from her whiskey bottle, cringing slightly at the bitterness.
[2014/04/05 14:13] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) smirked slightly. "This place never relinquishes it's hold on anything, or anyone." He paused a moment as he straightened and adjusted his stance a moment as he approached. "Has your status changed in my absence? Or am I going to continue to have to keep watch for the obsessively absentee library staff as seems to be a recurrent theme these days, save for the rare occasion I happen across Letta." He chuckled quietly.
[2014/04/05 14:14] Martko Swords takes out a 20 sided dice and rolls it on the table ..' 19... nice... ' he just keeps rolling in over and over and over again
[2014/04/05 14:16] NicoleA Stine looks over to Russ and smiles as she notices her wave. She turns to Mord as he steps closer. "My status? My status is the same I am still the research librarian chained to a desk." she tilts her head to one side "Is there something you need from this simple librarian.. a book or magazine perhaps?"
[2014/04/05 14:17] NicoleA Stine: **reference librarian ... sorry
[2014/04/05 14:17] Pix Cazalet lifts the bottle in her hand towards her lips and eases it to sip. She pulls the bottle down in disgust and tilts her head as she regards the label closer. She frowns and lifts the bottle up before her "barkeep?"
[2014/04/05 14:20] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled quietly as he bowed his head. "Perhaps just a simple conversation, if you've the time. I know I'm not disposed to pry too deeply so I will altar my questioning to suit, but perhaps still it would be one best handled elsewhere. Giving enough respect to the affairs of the library as I am wont to do. Even if some of the practices seem to have become quite flagrant." He chuckled quietly as he offered his elbow. "I hope it's quite alright, I've taken my hidden cache of tea from the building and relocated it elsewhere."
[2014/04/05 14:21] Andrussa (russ.uxlay) raises her brow slightly at Nicole's response to the man's question of her position, clearly not sure what to think of that, before looking down at the rolling dice, as if it might be the most interesting thing she's seen all day... until the call for a barkeep snaps her out of her thoughts and to the hooded woman, "Where? Me? Wh-what?"
[2014/04/05 14:22] NicoleA Stine opens her arms "Sure we can talk anywhere you like... perhaps best in the library" she nods to him "As the tea, I don't carre much for tea." she shrugs a shoulder "You understand" she turns and heads for the door "Shall we go to the library?"
[2014/04/05 14:23] Pix Cazalet nods as she gets the barkeeps attention and raises up the bottle "this one" she nods with conviction "is watered down. May I have the correct strength in its place? Now clearly i'm not prepared to wait for you to distill it so kindly find me another" She slams the bottle on the table "unless you'd prefer to follow those for the Earl Grey"
[2014/04/05 14:23] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled. "Nor do I any longer, but it was an expensive investment I might find use for." He smirked slightly but nodded. "That sounds like a wonderful idea to me." He chuckled as he paused at the door for her. "After you?"
[2014/04/05 14:26] NicoleA Stine walks into the library and takes a seat on the couch. She adjusts her skirt and extends an open hand to the couch next to her "Please make yourself comfortable" she lays her hands neartly in her lap "So what is it you wish to discuss with me? hmm?"
[2014/04/05 14:29] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head and settled into the chair as he adjusted his book beside himself. Settling back and making himself comfortable he shook his head slightly. "Honestly, I understand my position is tennable at best, but I would like to garner a bit of understanding as to the things that have been floating about. Some matters, I believe, have been settled. But I would hope that I could inquire with you honestly about some of the others. Namely the state of unrest which I am to understand has settled in these walls." He tilted his head slightly as concern marked his features.
[2014/04/05 14:32] NicoleA Stine nods her head and she plays with her skirt a bit "I see. Well it seems I can't tell you much" she looks up at him "Not because I don't want to but because I am no longer in a position to know. I have lost all responsibilities." she smiles at him "As I said in the Haven, a simple reference librarian "
[2014/04/05 14:42] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) nodded as he canted his head to the side to regard her and chuckled. "I understand the necessity of keeping the affairs of the library private. Unfortunately it may seem that they are far from if word has filtered down to us in the dregs of the street." He nodded to her and smiled. "I understand that I am also working from a questionable position when asking about these affairs but I am at least concerned about their validity or not. Even as a simple reference librarian some tremors can be felt." He paused for a moment as he shifted back in the chair and let his arm drape casually along the wooden frame. "You'll forgive my tenacity, I hope. I've been toying with the idea of returning but with many factors playing into my decision I want to make my choice as informed as possible before I step into some sort of turd pile." He chuckled quietly.
[2014/04/05 14:49] NicoleA Stine tilts her head to one side as she listens. She crosses her ankles and keeps her hands neatly folded in her lap "Tremors, rumors, I've heard them but in all honesty I trust Denny to do the right thing. He knows I support the library... with my swords if necessary. But yes there is new management here and a new mission statement has been discussed." she pauses and studies him "So what other factions have you been considering?" she lets out a bit of a laugh "I assure you none would be best suited for you than the library." she smiles
[2014/04/05 14:56] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled quietly as he settled back. "At the moment. None. Certainly there are few that would be as in line with my existence as what the library has been." He shook his head slightly as he brought his fist up to rest against his temple as he nodded to her. "We have booth seen a tremendous amount of tumult through the years in this place, rising and falling and few have remained through it all because it is little about who heads the library but the library and the mission itself. That has not ever changed." He paused as his eyes floated past her for a moment and shook his head. "Even Jane understood that it matters not who leads because they will just become a name on a page eventually. What matters is the institution itself. It encompasses all." He brought his gaze back. "If there is a power struggle in progress I'd prefer to know who maintains the proper ideals. Denny is the old hand on deck, certainly. And would even be the type to instigate a rumor of unrest just to see how far it would travel. Or to see just who and what it might bring out of the woodwork for his own, and the libraries own, benefit. However if the claims are legitimate then two things are a concern to me. One that the affairs be kept silent in house, lest they spread and foul winds do beset the library. And two, that the parties involved do have the true best interest of the library in their actions. Not just their personal ideals."
[2014/04/05 15:00] NicoleA Stine leans in a bit closer "I will be honest with you. When the dust settles i will take a look around and if I am not happy I will leave." she leans back and adjusts herself in her seat. She offers him a shrug of her shoulder "But until then i will continue my duties as a reference librarian"
[2014/04/05 15:03] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) bowed his head as he leaned forward. "I can only be equally so with you. If there is, then the eldest must stand for the house. Not the people. I've personally had to take that stand before and I've been marked insubordinate for it. It's not new to me. But the intentions are legitimate. One mustn't let the only decent house left in this city fall to ruin." He pursed his lips in thought as he looked down to the carpet. "First the signs of Omegans on the move, now this...." He shook his head quietly.
[2014/04/05 15:09] NicoleA Stine smiles and laughs "Did Russ send you to talk to me?" she lifts a hand "Never mind.... Russ has said the same to me. Like I've said before I trust Denny." she tilts her head and raises a brow "There are Omegans back in the city?"
[2014/04/05 15:12] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head slightly. "No, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Russ. I've only become reacquainted with a small number of the staff." He chuckled as he lifted his gaze to hers and furrowed his brows slightly. "Most seem wholly surprised I know what I do. I am an unknown entity it seems. Save to yourself and the Magpie, and perhaps Letta." He chuckled as he rolled his shoulders. "There have been some signs and tie ins to recent activities. The name has been linked, but I doubt highly it's Omega herself. It could simply be some disenfranchised individuals hoping to re-strike a dead match." He shook his head slightly.
[2014/04/05 15:16] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes many new faces in the library." she tilts her head "So are you trying to say there are rumors of a coup, to overthrow Denny ?"
[2014/04/05 15:19] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head slightly as he chuckled. "I am saying that I have heard that there is a growing power struggle. A crack in the House of Usher. So to speak." He gestured casually. "I would wish to know the mechanics of this struggle because even as an unaffiliated individual it is still in my interest to know that this place does not fall to ruin. I admit it is part nostalgia, and part sense of former duty. Like an ex-police officer who still heeds those tendancies to enforce the law." He shook his head.
[2014/04/05 15:21] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I appreciate your concerns. I will try and find out as much as I can" she nods her head "And perhaps if you find out anything specific you will let me know."
[2014/04/05 15:22] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) nodded. "I hope that I will hear from you before I would have to rely on tainted goods from elsewhere." He chuckled quietly. "It is duty, after all." He shook his head as he stood. "But I will keep you apprised of any developments that I come across as well."
[2014/04/05 15:24] NicoleA Stine stands "Thanks you Mord. i appreciate your concern. I will be in contact with you and please be careful out there." she smiles
[2014/04/05 15:25] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled quietly. "I will do my best." He bowed his head as he moved towards the door. "Good evening, and stay well."
[2014/04/05 14:07] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head a moment and pursed his lips as he regarded the woman. His gaze flicked towards the bottles. "Ones choice of wit must be proportionate to the flow of banter. Not run opposite to it. That would, then, make it sarcasm." He chuckled. "But given that I was the one going on at myself..." He shook his head slightly as his gaze flicked towards the library. "It would be enough to..." He paused a moment as his lips twitched and he turned to face Nicole with a bow of his head. "If I did not know better, my dear, I would say that look of intense displeasure has words behind it it that are just waiting to be loosed." He would gesture to her. "Would this be something that all should hear, or just my own ears which would recieve the pleasure of a blistering?" He chuckled.
[2014/04/05 14:10] NicoleA Stine starts to slowly shake her head "I have no words for you. I heard you were back in town. I just didn't believe it."
[2014/04/05 14:11] Pix Cazalet's head turns to look at the one in the chair to the side of her and winks "likewise"
[2014/04/05 14:12] Andrussa (russ.uxlay) smiles as she notices Nicole, holding up a hand in greeting, and only smiles wider as she sees the face she wears towards Mordeth. "I believe th-the man doth talk to much." Her eyes shift to the hooded woman, clearly not expecting a return and switch of her little magic trick, but only seems cheered for it, "G-good catch, th-there." She takes another gulp from her whiskey bottle, cringing slightly at the bitterness.
[2014/04/05 14:13] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) smirked slightly. "This place never relinquishes it's hold on anything, or anyone." He paused a moment as he straightened and adjusted his stance a moment as he approached. "Has your status changed in my absence? Or am I going to continue to have to keep watch for the obsessively absentee library staff as seems to be a recurrent theme these days, save for the rare occasion I happen across Letta." He chuckled quietly.
[2014/04/05 14:14] Martko Swords takes out a 20 sided dice and rolls it on the table ..' 19... nice... ' he just keeps rolling in over and over and over again
[2014/04/05 14:16] NicoleA Stine looks over to Russ and smiles as she notices her wave. She turns to Mord as he steps closer. "My status? My status is the same I am still the research librarian chained to a desk." she tilts her head to one side "Is there something you need from this simple librarian.. a book or magazine perhaps?"
[2014/04/05 14:17] NicoleA Stine: **reference librarian ... sorry
[2014/04/05 14:17] Pix Cazalet lifts the bottle in her hand towards her lips and eases it to sip. She pulls the bottle down in disgust and tilts her head as she regards the label closer. She frowns and lifts the bottle up before her "barkeep?"
[2014/04/05 14:20] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled quietly as he bowed his head. "Perhaps just a simple conversation, if you've the time. I know I'm not disposed to pry too deeply so I will altar my questioning to suit, but perhaps still it would be one best handled elsewhere. Giving enough respect to the affairs of the library as I am wont to do. Even if some of the practices seem to have become quite flagrant." He chuckled quietly as he offered his elbow. "I hope it's quite alright, I've taken my hidden cache of tea from the building and relocated it elsewhere."
[2014/04/05 14:21] Andrussa (russ.uxlay) raises her brow slightly at Nicole's response to the man's question of her position, clearly not sure what to think of that, before looking down at the rolling dice, as if it might be the most interesting thing she's seen all day... until the call for a barkeep snaps her out of her thoughts and to the hooded woman, "Where? Me? Wh-what?"
[2014/04/05 14:22] NicoleA Stine opens her arms "Sure we can talk anywhere you like... perhaps best in the library" she nods to him "As the tea, I don't carre much for tea." she shrugs a shoulder "You understand" she turns and heads for the door "Shall we go to the library?"
[2014/04/05 14:23] Pix Cazalet nods as she gets the barkeeps attention and raises up the bottle "this one" she nods with conviction "is watered down. May I have the correct strength in its place? Now clearly i'm not prepared to wait for you to distill it so kindly find me another" She slams the bottle on the table "unless you'd prefer to follow those for the Earl Grey"
[2014/04/05 14:23] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled. "Nor do I any longer, but it was an expensive investment I might find use for." He smirked slightly but nodded. "That sounds like a wonderful idea to me." He chuckled as he paused at the door for her. "After you?"
[2014/04/05 14:26] NicoleA Stine walks into the library and takes a seat on the couch. She adjusts her skirt and extends an open hand to the couch next to her "Please make yourself comfortable" she lays her hands neartly in her lap "So what is it you wish to discuss with me? hmm?"
[2014/04/05 14:29] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head and settled into the chair as he adjusted his book beside himself. Settling back and making himself comfortable he shook his head slightly. "Honestly, I understand my position is tennable at best, but I would like to garner a bit of understanding as to the things that have been floating about. Some matters, I believe, have been settled. But I would hope that I could inquire with you honestly about some of the others. Namely the state of unrest which I am to understand has settled in these walls." He tilted his head slightly as concern marked his features.
[2014/04/05 14:32] NicoleA Stine nods her head and she plays with her skirt a bit "I see. Well it seems I can't tell you much" she looks up at him "Not because I don't want to but because I am no longer in a position to know. I have lost all responsibilities." she smiles at him "As I said in the Haven, a simple reference librarian "
[2014/04/05 14:42] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) nodded as he canted his head to the side to regard her and chuckled. "I understand the necessity of keeping the affairs of the library private. Unfortunately it may seem that they are far from if word has filtered down to us in the dregs of the street." He nodded to her and smiled. "I understand that I am also working from a questionable position when asking about these affairs but I am at least concerned about their validity or not. Even as a simple reference librarian some tremors can be felt." He paused for a moment as he shifted back in the chair and let his arm drape casually along the wooden frame. "You'll forgive my tenacity, I hope. I've been toying with the idea of returning but with many factors playing into my decision I want to make my choice as informed as possible before I step into some sort of turd pile." He chuckled quietly.
[2014/04/05 14:49] NicoleA Stine tilts her head to one side as she listens. She crosses her ankles and keeps her hands neatly folded in her lap "Tremors, rumors, I've heard them but in all honesty I trust Denny to do the right thing. He knows I support the library... with my swords if necessary. But yes there is new management here and a new mission statement has been discussed." she pauses and studies him "So what other factions have you been considering?" she lets out a bit of a laugh "I assure you none would be best suited for you than the library." she smiles
[2014/04/05 14:56] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled quietly as he settled back. "At the moment. None. Certainly there are few that would be as in line with my existence as what the library has been." He shook his head slightly as he brought his fist up to rest against his temple as he nodded to her. "We have booth seen a tremendous amount of tumult through the years in this place, rising and falling and few have remained through it all because it is little about who heads the library but the library and the mission itself. That has not ever changed." He paused as his eyes floated past her for a moment and shook his head. "Even Jane understood that it matters not who leads because they will just become a name on a page eventually. What matters is the institution itself. It encompasses all." He brought his gaze back. "If there is a power struggle in progress I'd prefer to know who maintains the proper ideals. Denny is the old hand on deck, certainly. And would even be the type to instigate a rumor of unrest just to see how far it would travel. Or to see just who and what it might bring out of the woodwork for his own, and the libraries own, benefit. However if the claims are legitimate then two things are a concern to me. One that the affairs be kept silent in house, lest they spread and foul winds do beset the library. And two, that the parties involved do have the true best interest of the library in their actions. Not just their personal ideals."
[2014/04/05 15:00] NicoleA Stine leans in a bit closer "I will be honest with you. When the dust settles i will take a look around and if I am not happy I will leave." she leans back and adjusts herself in her seat. She offers him a shrug of her shoulder "But until then i will continue my duties as a reference librarian"
[2014/04/05 15:03] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) bowed his head as he leaned forward. "I can only be equally so with you. If there is, then the eldest must stand for the house. Not the people. I've personally had to take that stand before and I've been marked insubordinate for it. It's not new to me. But the intentions are legitimate. One mustn't let the only decent house left in this city fall to ruin." He pursed his lips in thought as he looked down to the carpet. "First the signs of Omegans on the move, now this...." He shook his head quietly.
[2014/04/05 15:09] NicoleA Stine smiles and laughs "Did Russ send you to talk to me?" she lifts a hand "Never mind.... Russ has said the same to me. Like I've said before I trust Denny." she tilts her head and raises a brow "There are Omegans back in the city?"
[2014/04/05 15:12] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head slightly. "No, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with Russ. I've only become reacquainted with a small number of the staff." He chuckled as he lifted his gaze to hers and furrowed his brows slightly. "Most seem wholly surprised I know what I do. I am an unknown entity it seems. Save to yourself and the Magpie, and perhaps Letta." He chuckled as he rolled his shoulders. "There have been some signs and tie ins to recent activities. The name has been linked, but I doubt highly it's Omega herself. It could simply be some disenfranchised individuals hoping to re-strike a dead match." He shook his head slightly.
[2014/04/05 15:16] NicoleA Stine nods her head "Yes many new faces in the library." she tilts her head "So are you trying to say there are rumors of a coup, to overthrow Denny ?"
[2014/04/05 15:19] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) shook his head slightly as he chuckled. "I am saying that I have heard that there is a growing power struggle. A crack in the House of Usher. So to speak." He gestured casually. "I would wish to know the mechanics of this struggle because even as an unaffiliated individual it is still in my interest to know that this place does not fall to ruin. I admit it is part nostalgia, and part sense of former duty. Like an ex-police officer who still heeds those tendancies to enforce the law." He shook his head.
[2014/04/05 15:21] NicoleA Stine nods her head "I appreciate your concerns. I will try and find out as much as I can" she nods her head "And perhaps if you find out anything specific you will let me know."
[2014/04/05 15:22] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) nodded. "I hope that I will hear from you before I would have to rely on tainted goods from elsewhere." He chuckled quietly. "It is duty, after all." He shook his head as he stood. "But I will keep you apprised of any developments that I come across as well."
[2014/04/05 15:24] NicoleA Stine stands "Thanks you Mord. i appreciate your concern. I will be in contact with you and please be careful out there." she smiles
[2014/04/05 15:25] Mon Capitan (mordeth.morgwain) chuckled quietly. "I will do my best." He bowed his head as he moved towards the door. "Good evening, and stay well."
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